#WeDocs - Wednesday 16th December 2015 8pm (GMT Standard Time) Patients as Partners

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Hosted by WeDocs using #WeDocs


No one doubts that the NHS needs to change the way we deliver care. The greatest healthcare resource the NHS has is our patients, their families and communities. We don’t currently harness patients own resources effectively (Blunt and Harris 2009, The Human Factor). There is an inadequate focus on people’s assets and focus on their illness and symptoms with little emphasis on building resilience and resourcefulness in people and their communities.
Innovative approaches involving collaborating with patients, carers and third sector organisations are required. Service providers need to develop more equal partnerships with the people who use their services, together with their families and carers. We must remove the barriers between those who deliver services and those who receive. In the UK, co-production in healthcare and social services has gone beyond models of service user consultation towards developing a model of service delivery intended to?impact on service users and on wider social systems.
 Transformative co-production enables and recognises patients as not only ‘experts’ in their own health and particular circumstances, fully capable of making decisions but also in possession of skills and assets in addition to their “lived experience”. For this to occur professionals need to move away from being a ‘fixers’ to ‘facilitators’ and patients/service users from “users and choosers” to “shapers and makers” of services (Renedo et al 2014. Patient and Public Involvement in Healthcare Quality Improvement: How organizations can help patients and professionals to collaborate). 
The reality may be far away from the vision which requires a paradigm change which is transformative so that practitioners devolve ‘power’ from themselves to their patients for co-production to occur. This requires a change in both the professional and the patient and their carers. The Department of Health ‘Human Rights in Healthcare’ programme has a wealth of learning resources to draw upon, in particular the work that took place at Mersey Care NHS Trust up to 2011. The adoption of a human rights based (HRB) approach to healthcare, specifically in the context of mental health and learning disability, led to co-production taking place.FREDA: is a human rights biased approach to healthcare which provides a good summary and in conclusion encourages healthcare professionals to think about how they might demonstrate the FREDA principles within their daily practice. See below for more information.
This chat will be led by @AlysColeKing and @OlwenOlwen on behalf of @WeDocs and they are both very grateful for the support, guidance and contribution from @Irisbenson100 @roz_davies and @luckockp @fran_ohara Thanks @allyc375 for advice and resources

 Tweetchat questions

1. What co-production is and what it is not? ( ie How can we make sure we have a shared understanding of important words and what they mean?)
2. Why is co-production important and how can we engage doctors and the wider system to embrace the mindset of co-production
3. What has worked well and how we achieved it? Led by @Irisbenson1004. 
4. What barriers and enablers are there to unleashing the resources in yr local citizens/communities to improve health & wellbeing? Led by @roz_davies
5. How can we overcome the barriers and some ‘top tips’ to take away and implement tomorrow 

 Really helpful to read pre-chat 

What is co-production? http://personcentredcare.health.org.uk/sites/default/files/resources/what_is_co-production.pdf 
Co-producing services Co-creating health http://www.1000livesplus.wales.nhs.uk/sitesplus/documents/1011/T4I%20%288%29%20Co-production.pdf 
Resources collated by Roz Davies exploring coproduction and other approaches to active partnership working across citizens, patients and staff https://welovelifeblog.wordpress.com/2014/05/21/health-and-well-being-citizenship-resources/ 
The Parable of the Blob and Squares animation based on No More Throwaway People, the Co Production Imperative” by Edgar Cahn
https://youtu.be/egav5xjb-lg From Patient Voice to Patient Leader. Keynote Speech by Alison Cameron to NHS Confederation Conference 2015

 Suggested reading/viewing 

FREDA: a human rights biased approach to healthcare
The Department of Health has identified five key aims of a human rights-based approach to healthcare:
• Putting human rights principles and standards at the heart of policy and planning;
• Empowering staff and patients with knowledge, skills and organisational Leadership and commitment to achieve human rights-based approach;
• Enabling meaningful involvement and participation of all key stakeholders;
• Ensuring clear accountability throughout the organisation;
• Non-discrimination and attention to vulnerable groups.
The DVD from the FREDA Fighters: http://www.humanrightsinhealthcare.nhs.uk/Library/advice_and_support/events/FREDA_FINAL_COLOUR.pdf

Public health england guide to community centred approacheshttps://www.gov.uk/government/publications/health-and-wellbeing-a-guide-to-community-centred-approaches 

NHS guidance https://www.england.nhs.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/item4-board-20-11-15.pdhttp://www.nhs.uk/choiceintheNHS/Rightsandpledges/NHSConstitution/Pages/Overview.aspx 

The Challenge of Co Production, Boyle and Harris 2009http://www.neweconomics.org/publications/entry/the-challenge-of-co-production 

Coproduction of healthcare service Batalden Et al 2015 http://qualitysafety.bmj.com/content/early/2015/09/16/bmjqs-2015-004315.full 

Asset based community development http://www.abcdinstitute.org/ Aboriginal definition of wellbeing http://www.ahmrc.org.au/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=35&Itemid=37 

Social determinants of health - refer to Marmot review http://www.instituteofhealthequity.org/projects/fair-society-healthy-lives-the-marmot-review 

Really great background reading 


Additional information 

An example of a shared understanding can be gained from Tony Bovaird who demonstrates with the essence of coproduction, the HOW is important!Tony Bovaird @tonybovaird Dec 9Claire Wightman #wmcoprodnet - #coproduction NOT set of activities but a way of doing things: trust, protected space, humility, peer support http://qualitysafety.bmj.com/content/early/2015/09/16/bmjqs-2015-004315.full 
Human Rights in healthcare report 2010-2011http://www.humanrightsinhealthcare.nhs.uk/Library/whats_new/humanrights_in_health_and_socialcare_event_october_15th_london/human_rights_november_event_aintree/human_rights_report.pdf 
 Mersey Care dementiahttp://www.humanrightsinhealthcare.nhs.uk/Library/whats_new/humanrights_in_health_and_socialcare_event_october_15th_london/human_rights_november_event_aintree/dementia_presentationNo12.pdf 
http://www.nets.nihr.ac.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0006/129795/PRO-12-209-53.pdf NIHR Evaluation, Trials and Studies | 12/209/53

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 Chat Summary


Patients as Partners postchat blog

Firstly a huge thank you to our guest partnersin this chat @Irisbenson1004@roz_davies

@luckockpand @fran_ohara and the ‘WeDocs team. Thanks too @allyc375for her invaluable advice and suggested resources to include in the pre-chatblog. We are also very grateful that so many of you (113 contributors) joinedour chat and contributed to the 803Tweets which provided a reach of 2,603,443 !

The prechat blog for@WeDocs was the begining of the learning process . We wanted to ‘walk the walk’and do this properly so we co-wrote the blog and questions with all the guests.. An initial challenge is that there is no ‘snappy’ internationally agreeddefinition of co-production which doesn’t help. Also just because someone saysthey engage in co-production absolutely doesn’t mean they do. We would alsourge you to read the excellent blog via @dr_shibley where he beautifully sumsthis up http://dementia-wellbeing.org/policy/i-fail-to-get-excited-about-co-production/

We had a great range tocontributors including representation from people who identified themselves apatient, professionals, academics, pharmacists, managers and some as bothpatient and professional

If we had to sum up thechat in a few words it would be ‘co-productionis vital and we need to ensure that everyone has the requited will, attitudes,competences and resources to enable it to happen’. For some people this mayinvolve training or coaching. The evidence for the need to co-produce is nowoverwhelming but sadly like other areas of healthcare there is a delay or‘decay’ between evidence, implementation and practice in the NHS. There aresome wonderful beacons of ‘proper co-production’ but this is not the norm. Everyoneagreed that getting co-production right is absolutely vital and that tokenismis even worse than not engaging at all. 

The themes thatemerged  are summarised below.

   fearof new ideas / different ways of doing / change/

   needencouragement to help grow understanding of why Co-production works - NB: thisis hard work!!

   keypoints to note:

   there’s lots of work ahead

   its not easy work

   it will take time (a long time)

   think of it as a marathon not a sprint

   get going


  practice humility

  be a learner

  Work with people who have relationships of trust with people andcommunities

  Create spaces where all voices can be heard, hospitable spacesfor conversations that matter, more information via http://www.theworldcafe.com

  Share and learn from and with others

  Ask- “how can I help”

  ensure all feel valued and listened to

  mutual respect

  no more “us & them” cultures

Remember…. Its ok to havefun! 

Overcoming barriers

  • Build trust,practice active listening, work as equal partners, respect boundaries,training, learning and personal development.
  • Humility and listening instead of telling (coaching mentioned)
  • Be aware of language we use

Twitter lesson:                                                                          

Trust yourselfand your instincts &  (via@sammajundar) Go with the flow !

Additional suggested resources


Wise words fromHelen Sanderson & Lorraine Gradwell  https://coproductionforchange.wordpress.com/2015/09/22/a-new-ladder/

PipHardy recommended digital stories at http://www.patientvoices.org.uk

Different peoplereact differently to change (this reminded me of John Kotters book - a fable -Our iceberg is melting http://www.kotterinternational.com/book/our-iceberg-is-melting/ )

 Post Chat Comments

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 #WeDocs transcript

16 December 2015 20:00
#wedocs Hello, I'm looking forward to tonights chat, about to start:-) https://t.co/rC24RtPMTP
16 December 2015 20:00
Really pleased #wedocs are discussing #patientsaspartners tonight, nobody understands the issues of my illness affecting me more than me
16 December 2015 20:00
RT @OlwenOlwen: It's nearly time for #WeDocs chat ??
16 December 2015 20:01
Hello everyone! Delighted welcome you to our chat on 'Patients as partners' with @AlysColeKing & @OlwenOlwen as your @WeDocs hosts #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:02
RT @notjustaheadach: #wedocs #patientsaspartners I'm Katie, a multiple #LTC patient striving for the NHS to use their greatest asset! The p…
16 December 2015 20:02
#WeDocs relevant to tonight's tweet chat on coproduction: 'democratising public services or a race to the bottom?' https://t.co/43OKjzUnSu
16 December 2015 20:02
Doctors should not make snap decisions on #EndOfLifeCare, says health watchdog @guardian https://t.co/xMrkAJIRNM #WeEoLC #palliative #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:02
RT @luckockp: #wedocs Hello, I'm looking forward to tonights chat, about to start:-) https://t.co/rC24RtPMTP
16 December 2015 20:02
Hello #WeDocs ??
16 December 2015 20:02
hello everyone, in the UK, and wider world, Bernadette Keefe MD~ so delighted to join #wedocs chat today from Chapel Hill NC USA ~
16 December 2015 20:02
RT @OlwenOlwen: It's nearly time for #WeDocs chat ??
16 December 2015 20:02
#WeDocs Wellcome everyone Please introduce self ????????????????????
16 December 2015 20:03
.@WeDocs @AlysColeKing @OlwenOlwen Hello, will try to keep up via an aging iPad #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:03
@dr_shibley What is moral panic #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:03
@irisbenson100 @WeDocs @AlysColeKing @OlwenOlwen @luckockp @fran_ohara #wedocs hello, looking forward to some open debate on coproduction
16 December 2015 20:03
RT @gbrgsy: #WeDocs relevant to tonight's tweet chat on coproduction: 'democratising public services or a race to the bottom?' https://t.co…
16 December 2015 20:03
For sake of clarity, I am definitely not opposed to #coproduction, or "working with people". Aunt Sally-isms are offensive. #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:03
Hello! #Wedocs
16 December 2015 20:03
RT @roz_davies: @irisbenson100 @WeDocs @AlysColeKing @OlwenOlwen @luckockp @fran_ohara #wedocs hello, looking forward to some open debate o…
16 December 2015 20:03
RT @WeDocs: Today's the DAY! ?? #WeDocs chat 'Patients as Partners' 8-9pm ALL invited! https://t.co/Gj9nMySeym Pls spread the word!
16 December 2015 20:04
@WeDocs @AlysColeKing @OlwenOlwen Hello everyone, looking forward to following your chat this evening #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:04
Really delighted have expert input @irisbenson100 & @roz_davies @luckockp + @fran_ohara #Wedocs Pls introduce yourself + remember #WeDocs !
16 December 2015 20:04
@notjustaheadach Hi Katie; #LTC patient here. I am sure they are not (is paternalistic). Better both in centre with co-production; #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:04
RT @Nicki_Haywood: @WeDocs @AlysColeKing @OlwenOlwen Hello everyone, looking forward to following your chat this evening #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:04
@WeDocs hiya, @KathEvans2 shared with me happy to join chat #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:04
#WeDocs looking forward to some lively debate
16 December 2015 20:04
I'm Lynne part time patient full time person . I worked on phase 1 of co-creating health patient programme #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:04
Hi I'm a staff nurse hcop phd student & have interest in getting public involved in services #Wedocs
16 December 2015 20:05
#coproduction #WeDocs Patients as Partners Olwen here from N Wales https://t.co/OG5nsX3oav
16 December 2015 20:05
@irisbenson100 @roz_davies @AlysColeKing @OlwenOlwen @luckockp @fran_ohara So delighted to welcome you Iris! :) #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:05
#wedocs hello! I am Helen working with @co4cc and @TLAP1 coproduction groups and blog with @logr24 on this subject too
16 December 2015 20:05
For sake of clarity, I am both a registered Dr + living with four long term conditions. So bound to be interested in #coproduction #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:05
#wedocs Hi its Mavis; a patient pushing for a Health and Well Being service rather than a Health Sickness Service
16 December 2015 20:05
Hello - Kit from Hereford here (geriatrician). Co-production ignoramus, but keen to learn! #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:05
RT @roz_davies: @irisbenson100 @WeDocs @AlysColeKing @OlwenOlwen @luckockp @fran_ohara #wedocs hello, looking forward to some open debate o…
16 December 2015 20:05
@WeDocs @AlysColeKing @OlwenOlwen @irisbenson100 @roz_davies @luckockp @fran_ohara evening! Will be loitering as busy #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:05
@WeDocs #WeDocs pharmacist from Australia. Very interested in Australian health centring on the patient and making collaboration the norm
16 December 2015 20:05
@roz_davies @irisbenson100 @AlysColeKing @OlwenOlwen @luckockp @fran_ohara hello & delighted to welcome you! #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:06
@WeDocs @irisbenson100 @roz_davies @luckockp @fran_ohara Hi I'm a person with LTCs & member of coproduction group with @Co4CC #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:06
RT @louiseravenscro: @WeDocs hiya, @KathEvans2 shared with me happy to join chat #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:06
@WeDocs Hello, Karen here. Mental health / E&T pharmacist. Interested in #coproduction #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:06
@OlwenOlwen hi - I love this graphic but some found it old hat #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:06
RT @pharmerfour: @WeDocs #WeDocs pharmacist from Australia. Very interested in Australian health centring on the patient and making collabo…
16 December 2015 20:06
OOPS don't forget tonight's #WeDocs You'll be left out of the story....... https://t.co/53vH0WpTdy
16 December 2015 20:06
RT @PPsoup: Really pleased #wedocs are discussing #patientsaspartners tonight, nobody understands the issues of my illness affecting me mor…
16 December 2015 20:06
#wedocs Pam here from North Wales
16 December 2015 20:06
#WeDocs looking forward to critical reflection on true meaning of coproduction/codesign tonight - & how relates to science of improvement
16 December 2015 20:06
@pharmerfour great hope to hear more #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:07
Q1. What is co-production + what it is not? How can we make sure we have a shared understanding of important words + what they mean? #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:07
#wedocs *waves* student nurse & mental health patient here, interesting seeing things from both sides!
16 December 2015 20:07
@WeDocs @AlysColeKing @OlwenOlwen @irisbenson100 @roz_davies @luckockp @fran_ohara lead on #alwaysevebts where coproduction integral #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:07
RT @KarenPharm: @WeDocs Hello, Karen here. Mental health / E&T pharmacist. Interested in #coproduction #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:07
RT @HelenHSAUK: #wedocs hello! I am Helen working with @co4cc and @TLAP1 coproduction groups and blog with @logr24 on this subject too
16 December 2015 20:07
@WeDocs @AlysColeKing @OlwenOlwen @irisbenson100 @roz_davies @luckockp @fran_ohara lead on #alwaysevents where coproduction integral #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:08
RT @madeofbeauty: .@WeDocs @AlysColeKing @OlwenOlwen Hello, will try to keep up via an aging iPad #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:08
@WeDocs not partnership working or consultation - much deeper than that - sharing power #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:08
@madeofbeauty @AlysColeKing @OlwenOlwen look forward to your contribution #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:08
RT @HelenHSAUK: @WeDocs not partnership working or consultation - much deeper than that - sharing power #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:08
#WeDocs particularly interested in place of design thinking/codesign within coproduction work & role of designers https://t.co/WwbkYgZgLU
16 December 2015 20:08
Sorry I should introduce myself I'm Karen, I live with a rare LTC & I'm also Lay Member for Patient Public Involvement @BandA_CCG #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:08
@OlwenOlwen think we can go further than this diagram! It's more about being equals shift in locus of control #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:08
@HelenHSAUK like to share more pls? #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:08
@WeDocs In essence coproduction is people working together with equal value to a common goal #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:08
#wedocs lots of global representation tonight!
16 December 2015 20:09
RT @HelenHSAUK: @WeDocs not partnership working or consultation - much deeper than that - sharing power #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:09
Join @WeDocs to explore "Patients as Co-production Partners" Chatting NOW https://t.co/S3I5PXxqfR via #WeDocs https://t.co/9jGNrZSsVA
16 December 2015 20:09
Join @WeDocs to explore "Patients as Co-production Partners" Chatting NOW https://t.co/5TDwuclbOC via #WeDocs https://t.co/UhsksLm7W9
16 December 2015 20:09
Join @WeDocs to explore "Patients as Co-production Partners" Chatting NOW https://t.co/BeVGqepOqE via #WeDocs https://t.co/gyY9rPVtpk
16 December 2015 20:09
Join @WeDocs to explore "Patients as Co-production Partners" Chatting NOW https://t.co/zyDkjKHESu via #WeDocs https://t.co/ic48AYZSod
16 December 2015 20:09
Join @WeDocs to explore "Patients as Co-production Partners" Chatting NOW https://t.co/o01afnPQmI via #WeDocs https://t.co/iUv761DNhz
16 December 2015 20:09
Join @WeDocs to explore "Patients as Co-production Partners" Chatting NOW https://t.co/qCtMNbUXmz via #WeDocs https://t.co/MWF70ZadAx
16 December 2015 20:09
Join @WeDocs to explore "Patients as Co-production Partners" Chatting NOW https://t.co/5dW2nYfvK6 via #WeDocs https://t.co/IHNBo6thXb
16 December 2015 20:09
Join @WeDocs to explore "Patients as Co-production Partners" Chatting NOW https://t.co/agSoge6P9c via #WeDocs https://t.co/TjpEq363pg
16 December 2015 20:09
Join @WeDocs to explore "Patients as Co-production Partners" Chatting NOW https://t.co/43mNBCoxBY via #WeDocs https://t.co/ChklihROCW
16 December 2015 20:09
Join @WeDocs to explore "Patients as Co-production Partners" Chatting NOW https://t.co/reXsJc9JTz via #WeDocs https://t.co/Pdkbfn4c6S
16 December 2015 20:09
Join @WeDocs to explore "Patients as Co-production Partners" Chatting NOW https://t.co/sVENtPGI1t via #WeDocs https://t.co/RqfHomzc4z
16 December 2015 20:09
Join @WeDocs to explore "Patients as Co-production Partners" Chatting NOW https://t.co/C9ePmXZC55 via #WeDocs https://t.co/9XwV1d5fxr
16 December 2015 20:09
Join @WeDocs to explore "Patients as Co-production Partners" Chatting NOW https://t.co/ktMd6X0B23 via #WeDocs https://t.co/CBJNDn1Qqk
16 December 2015 20:09
Join @WeDocs to explore "Patients as Co-production Partners" Chatting NOW https://t.co/OGhLAy6Fqg via #WeDocs https://t.co/j7YeHf3zJx
16 December 2015 20:09
As with other pts/ppl with lived experience of LTC's I also bring other rel exp incl as MD of @RecoverySheff @WeLLWeLoveLife #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:09
@HelenHSAUK tell us more #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:09
@irisbenson100 Iris pls can you give us an example? #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:09
RT @WeDistrictNurse: Join @WeDocs to explore "Patients as Co-production Partners" Chatting NOW https://t.co/OGhLAy6Fqg via #WeDocs https:/…
16 December 2015 20:09
RT @WeFinance_: Join @WeDocs to explore "Patients as Co-production Partners" Chatting NOW https://t.co/qCtMNbUXmz via #WeDocs https://t.co…
16 December 2015 20:09
RT @WeLDnurses: Join @WeDocs to explore "Patients as Co-production Partners" Chatting NOW https://t.co/sVENtPGI1t via #WeDocs https://t.co…
16 December 2015 20:09
RT @WeFinance_: Join @WeDocs to explore "Patients as Co-production Partners" Chatting NOW https://t.co/qCtMNbUXmz via #WeDocs https://t.co…
16 December 2015 20:10
RT @WeEOLC: Join @WeDocs to explore "Patients as Co-production Partners" Chatting NOW https://t.co/agSoge6P9c via #WeDocs https://t.co/Tjp…
16 December 2015 20:10
@WeDocs to me, all involved at onset in improvement (or whatever you work on) 'power' equal, and all valued #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:10
@WeDocs it is where expertise of person meets expertise of professional to code sign support that works for person - at every level #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:10
@WeDocs Hi I'm Trudy member of SU research group ResearchNet. We use #EBCD Experience Based Co-Design #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:10
@dockeithwales Sorry Keith. Had a really awful evening. Was unfair to you. But am keen on #coproduction. but not its misuse #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:10
@WeDocs work everyday towards co-production for parent carers in services for #SEND #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:10
@OCDTrudy ooh please share more? #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:10
RT @HelenHSAUK: @WeDocs not partnership working or consultation - much deeper than that - sharing power #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:10
@WeDocs to me co-production means that professionals and patients have equal voices & status #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:10
RT @annedraya: @WeDocs to me co-production means that professionals and patients have equal voices & status #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:10
@sm_partnership @OlwenOlwen Are we at the beginning or middle of the #coproduction journey #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:10
Sorry forgot #wedocs on last attempt at introduction. 1/2 of @PatientVoicesUK here, trying to make healthcare better by sharing stories
16 December 2015 20:11
@HelenHSAUK @OlwenOlwen I think it's because sometimes I'm the expert in ms eg when seeing GP- need them to problem solve with me #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:11
RT @HelenHSAUK: @WeDocs not partnership working or consultation - much deeper than that - sharing power #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:11
RT @OCDTrudy: @WeDocs Hi I'm Trudy member of SU research group ResearchNet. We use #EBCD Experience Based Co-Design #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:11
#wedocs what does 'patient' mean for me in good health & using GP & Secondary Services infrequently & complementary medicines routinely
16 December 2015 20:11
To enable #coproduction people need to have better conversations, feedback focus groups- docs & patients need training for to happen #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:11
hi #WeDocs Kath here - coproduction with CYP = Children & Young People is how we do business @NHSYouthForum @RCPCH_and_Us @YPHealth @yphsig
16 December 2015 20:11
RT @pauljebb1: @WeDocs to me, all involved at onset in improvement (or whatever you work on) 'power' equal, and all valued #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:11
.@HelenHSAUK @OlwenOlwen #coproduction is not just the doctor patient domain but also strategic, political and economic ones too #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:11
#wedocs Q1. Coproduction is fundamentally about relationships of integrity, equality and shared purpose. You can't fake it!
16 December 2015 20:11
@WeDocs In essence coproduction is people working together with equal value to a common goal #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:11
RT @pauljebb1: @WeDocs to me, all involved at onset in improvement (or whatever you work on) 'power' equal, and all valued #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:11
RT @WeHealthVisitor: Join @WeDocs to explore "Patients as Co-production Partners" Chatting NOW https://t.co/ktMd6X0B23 via #WeDocs https:/…
16 December 2015 20:11
RT @pauljebb1: @WeDocs to me, all involved at onset in improvement (or whatever you work on) 'power' equal, and all valued #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:11
RT @Chris5anne: @WeDocs In essence coproduction is people working together with equal value to a common goal #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:11
RT @sm_partnership: I'm Lynne part time patient full time person . I worked on phase 1 of co-creating health patient programme #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:11
RT @HelenHSAUK: @WeDocs not partnership working or consultation - much deeper than that - sharing power #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:11
#WeDocs re definitions these helpful (in sea of misrepresentations & muddled thinking): https://t.co/LiFrqkffcV https://t.co/AH5VpaYan2
16 December 2015 20:12
RT @annedraya: @WeDocs to me co-production means that professionals and patients have equal voices & status #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:12
RT @roz_davies: #wedocs Q1. Coproduction is fundamentally about relationships of integrity, equality and shared purpose. You can't fake it!
16 December 2015 20:12
RT @annedraya: @WeDocs to me co-production means that professionals and patients have equal voices & status #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:12
RT @annedraya: @WeDocs to me co-production means that professionals and patients have equal voices & status #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:12
#wedocs twitchat on now about coproduction & democratising services, vital for @JohnCampaign @GoldenDuck_ltd @wendy
16 December 2015 20:12
RT @WeLDnurses: Join @WeDocs to explore "Patients as Co-production Partners" Chatting NOW https://t.co/sVENtPGI1t via #WeDocs https://t.co…
16 December 2015 20:12
RT @PilgrimPip: Sorry forgot #wedocs on last attempt at introduction. 1/2 of @PatientVoicesUK here, trying to make healthcare better by sha…
16 December 2015 20:12
RT @louiseravenscro: @WeDocs work everyday towards co-production for parent carers in services for #SEND #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:12
@WeDocs it's having the locus of control in the centre? #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:12
RT @HelenHSAUK: @WeDocs not partnership working or consultation - much deeper than that - sharing power #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:12
RT @Chris5anne: @WeDocs In essence coproduction is people working together with equal value to a common goal #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:12
RT @sm_partnership: @WeDocs it's having the locus of control in the centre? #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:13
At diff times ea has diff stuff to offer, no? MT @annedraya: to me coproduction means that prof's and pts have equal voices & status #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:13
@annedraya @WeDocs agree, to achieve in short app slots people good communication is key, as new type of conversations #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:13
Patients as Partners via #WeDocs 16/12/2015 https://t.co/5c2tQKssEh via @WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:13
RT @gbrgsy: #WeDocs re definitions these helpful (in sea of misrepresentations & muddled thinking): https://t.co/LiFrqkffcV https://t.c…
16 December 2015 20:13
@fran_ohara We try to model better communication, feedback, reflection through co-producing stories of healthcare #storycircles #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:13
sometimes easier maybe to point out when things evidently aren't co-produced? #WeDocs clearly this isnt https://t.co/1aldQXQd89 watch later!
16 December 2015 20:13
@OlwenOlwen @sm_partnership Beginning- the door is open but sometimes can be tokenistic or patronising #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:13
@sm_partnership really like that comment - pls can you expand? #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:13
@madeofbeauty very true - should be embedded in every aspect of Health & care #WeDocs @HelenHSAUK @OlwenOlwen
16 December 2015 20:13
Some thoughts on what it is @wedocs #wedocs https://t.co/PC93RMdbpz
16 December 2015 20:13
@sm_partnership @HelenHSAUK @OlwenOlwen do you think that is because you are the expert? Shoe on other foot situation #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:14
Fab example of true co-production led by @NHSYouthForum posters on consent feedback & confidentiality https://t.co/flgCDB9PGX #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:14
RT @Chris5anne: @WeDocs In essence coproduction is people working together with equal value to a common goal #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:14
@annedraya @WeDocs Andrea, any suggestions how current professionals and retired with experience work together #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:14
@nav_doc welcome! #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:14
@WeDocs @workingwithnot2 def: group of people working with each other as equals from the start to achieve a goal- we coproduced this #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:14
RT @HelenHSAUK: Some thoughts on what it is @wedocs #wedocs https://t.co/PC93RMdbpz
16 December 2015 20:14
RT @dockeithwales: @annedraya @WeDocs Andrea, any suggestions how current professionals and retired with experience work together #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:14
@roz_davies totally agree - though many try ! #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:14
RT @louiseravenscro: @WeDocs work everyday towards co-production for parent carers in services for #SEND #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:14
RT @roz_davies: #wedocs Q1. Coproduction is fundamentally about relationships of integrity, equality and shared purpose. You can't fake it!
16 December 2015 20:14
#WeDocs agreed! Social Care hat this evening. Co-production person centred, empowerment. Shrinking state ??community https://t.co/amGS03lb00
16 December 2015 20:14
That's how I see 'medicine'! MT @roz_davies: #wedocs Q1. Coproduction is about relationships of integrity, equality and shared purpose.
16 December 2015 20:14
RT @Chris5anne: @WeDocs In essence coproduction is people working together with equal value to a common goal #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:14
Is it the common goal that is the issue @Chris5anne care outcome, patient need, contractual boundaries...is it ever common goal? #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:15
@WeDocs and it's also about helping the person decide what outcomes are important for them & offering return of responsibility #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:15
@dockeithwales @WeDocs engaging through forums such as Twitter is a good start! But a good intriguing question #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:15
Widening the definition #coproduction #WeDocs https://t.co/lgqAVBkuX8
16 December 2015 20:15
#WeDocs @ksspsc @ksslc we want pts to co produce improvement work on our focus areas how do we open the air space in prof CRG meetings ?
16 December 2015 20:15
RT @annedraya: @WeDocs to me co-production means that professionals and patients have equal voices & status #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:15
RT @HelenHSAUK: Some thoughts on what it is @wedocs #wedocs https://t.co/PC93RMdbpz
16 December 2015 20:15
Really helpful blog thanks @HelenHSAUK for sharing #WeDocs https://t.co/sMMbLExGzo
16 December 2015 20:15
RT @roz_davies: #wedocs Q1. Coproduction is fundamentally about relationships of integrity, equality and shared purpose. You can't fake it!
16 December 2015 20:15
@louiseravenscro @WeDocs and you do it brilliantly Louise, what are the ingredients for success? #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:15
RT @RichardRecover: Patients as Partners via #WeDocs 16/12/2015 https://t.co/5c2tQKssEh via @WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:15
#wedocs Equal voice & status includes financial aspects too such as a participatory budgeting approach as well as leadership & management?
16 December 2015 20:15
RT @gbrgsy: #WeDocs re definitions these helpful (in sea of misrepresentations & muddled thinking): https://t.co/LiFrqkffcV https://t.c…
16 December 2015 20:15
@WeDocs Q1 don't use this term corproduction citizens think sounds like filmset! We use term 'working WITH'- more equal relationship #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:16
@WeDocs @gbrgsy @OxleasNHS Ha ha you beat me to it #WeDocs https://t.co/MMgjjJZzBc
16 December 2015 20:16
@irisbenson100 really keen to learn more #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:16
@fran_ohara definitely better conversations! And training on both sides #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:16
Q2. Why is co-production important and how can we engage doctors and the wider system to embrace the mindset of co-production #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:16
Is 'Co-production' somehow more than 'working constructively together'? The latter is what I try to do (with multidiscteam plus pt) #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:16
RT @annedraya: @dockeithwales @WeDocs engaging through forums such as Twitter is a good start! But a good intriguing question #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:16
Watch later #WeDocs https://t.co/sOqQfMcoEu
16 December 2015 20:16
#wedocs Q1 think it is important to bring the humanity back into healthcare. Often pts are viewed as a set of conditions, e.g. 'Diabetics'
16 December 2015 20:16
@notjustaheadach @WeDocs #WeDocs Oz has 2 main doctor organisations. Both see doctors as central, patients led by doctors. #Paternalistic
16 December 2015 20:17
T1 Co-production-a good word, but devil is in details. A great 'healthcare professional - patient' relationship is based on trust. #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:17
RT @KathEvans2: @louiseravenscro @WeDocs and you do it brilliantly Louise, what are the ingredients for success? #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:17
#WeDocs Societal assets https://t.co/IUVuuVyI1N
16 December 2015 20:17
@LynneBowers2 @madeofbeauty @HelenHSAUK @OlwenOlwen but need to ensure that community isn't used as a replacement for NHS services #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:17
@GleefulKaz @roz_davies and trust on both sides #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:17
@fran_ohara @WeDocs I don't think it is strong enough to say 'working with' does not say enough about power relationships #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:17
@GleefulKaz I sometimes wonder if this is ignorance or deliberate...#wedocs
16 December 2015 20:17
RT @Laconic_doc: That's how I see 'medicine'! MT @roz_davies: #wedocs Q1. Coproduction is about relationships of integrity, equality and sh…
16 December 2015 20:17
#wedocs if someone asks me to give my views on something they've created that's one sure sign of 'uncollaboration' I tend to walk away
16 December 2015 20:17
@ksspsc @madeofbeauty @HelenHSAUK @OlwenOlwen Is that not the biggest challenge? #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:17
#coproduction is about building relationships and persuading the person with power, to share that power with you otherwise it fails #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:17
RT @HelenHSAUK: Some thoughts on what it is @wedocs #wedocs https://t.co/PC93RMdbpz
16 December 2015 20:18
Q2 sometimes jargon puts people off - both health care professionals & pts! #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:18
RT @HelenHSAUK: Some thoughts on what it is @wedocs #wedocs https://t.co/PC93RMdbpz
16 December 2015 20:18
#wedocs power dynamics can sometimes be skewed in favour of healthcare professionals, can be tokenistic & most marginalised get left behind
16 December 2015 20:18
#wedocs coproduction- each one of us has something of value to contribute and recognition we are all equal partners,reciprocal relationship
16 December 2015 20:18
@madeofbeauty @HelenHSAUK @OlwenOlwen Strategic-how many boards have lived patient/carer experience as essential for anyone? #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:18
RT @HelenHSAUK: Some thoughts on what it is @wedocs #wedocs https://t.co/PC93RMdbpz
16 December 2015 20:18
@WeDocs we coproduced film 'what matters to you matters to us' w @ssiacymru put persons wishes at start of convo, then coproduce how #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:18
RT @GleefulKaz: @madeofbeauty very true - should be embedded in every aspect of Health & care #WeDocs @HelenHSAUK @OlwenOlwen
16 December 2015 20:18
T1 To amplify: if one resorts to 'power' speech, I see a problem. Why is power part of this? One w/health issues, the other helps. #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:18
RT @luckockp: #wedocs coproduction- each one of us has something of value to contribute and recognition we are all equal partners,reciproca…
16 December 2015 20:18
@fran_ohara @WeDocs We use co-design and are treated as equals and respected by the staff #WeDocs @OxleasNHS
16 December 2015 20:18
@sm_partnership @GleefulKaz yes trust really crucial and that doesn't usually happen in one quick meeting or any forced timescale. #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:18
RT @WeDocs: Really helpful blog thanks @HelenHSAUK for sharing #WeDocs https://t.co/sMMbLExGzo
16 December 2015 20:18
RT @WeMidwives: Join @WeDocs to explore "Patients as Co-production Partners" Chatting NOW https://t.co/43mNBCoxBY via #WeDocs https://t.co…
16 December 2015 20:18
RT @BPDFFS: #wedocs if someone asks me to give my views on something they've created that's one sure sign of 'uncollaboration' I tend to wa…
16 December 2015 20:19
RT @WeDocs: 5 mins to go till our tweetchat 'Patients as Partners' See you there! #WeDocs https://t.co/Gj9nMySeym via @WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:19
RT @sm_partnership: @fran_ohara definitely better conversations! And training on both sides #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:19
@MalcolmPayne @LynRomeo_CSW #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:19
Some fanatsic comments all but pls don't forget to add #WeDocs hashtag or the others wo't see your great tweets :)
16 December 2015 20:19
RT @NRCUK: sometimes easier maybe to point out when things evidently aren't co-produced? #WeDocs clearly this isnt https://t.co/1aldQXQd89 …
16 December 2015 20:19
RT @BPDFFS: #wedocs if someone asks me to give my views on something they've created that's one sure sign of 'uncollaboration' I tend to wa…
16 December 2015 20:19
@roz_davies @GleefulKaz takes time and patience to develop #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:19
RT @HelenHSAUK: Some thoughts on what it is @wedocs #wedocs https://t.co/PC93RMdbpz
16 December 2015 20:19
RT @HelenHSAUK: Some thoughts on what it is @wedocs #wedocs https://t.co/PC93RMdbpz
16 December 2015 20:19
RT @luckockp: #wedocs coproduction- each one of us has something of value to contribute and recognition we are all equal partners,reciproca…
16 December 2015 20:19
Here's my particular take on #coproduction: https://t.co/GVxis6CTri #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:19
@roz_davies @sm_partnership @GleefulKaz agree! described as long term relationship not a one night stand #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:20
@HelenHSAUK @WeDocs @sm_partnership and outcomes that a person has ownership of more likely to be reached #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:20
@WeDocs Having lived experience as essential grounds discussions in reality & adds value to proposed outcomes #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:20
RT @EmilyHSAUK: @HelenHSAUK @WeDocs @sm_partnership and outcomes that a person has ownership of more likely to be reached #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:20
Agree https://t.co/yBZWlnUQ3D #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:20
@fran_ohara & support too, can b v hard to tell personal stories but big part of recovery. Stigma plays a part, need to feel safe #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:20
RT @roz_davies: #wedocs Q1 think it is important to bring the humanity back into healthcare. Often pts are viewed as a set of conditions, e…
16 December 2015 20:20
@HelenHSAUK @WeDocs ladders or wheels fab blog by @SpcialNdsJungle https://t.co/C8P0VTeZgq #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:20
RT @EmilyHSAUK: @HelenHSAUK @WeDocs @sm_partnership and outcomes that a person has ownership of more likely to be reached #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:21
@lizcharalambou We don't have that problem, in fact we lead on the projects and work closely with the staff. Respect by all #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:21
@RichardRecover @WeDocs @KathEvans2 think we are working well with our @CambsPboroCCG for #CAMHs work, round the table work #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:21
I keep forgetting #wedocs ! https://t.co/xhte4D6G3w
16 December 2015 20:21
Q1 It is not all about the ‘good to haves’ based on positive history because they will not always be ‘the best to have’. #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:21
@Laconic_doc Yes, as gives understanding that all views equally valued - more than consultation #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:21
#weDocs trusts talk about co production but in my experience it is rare. my trust ceo refused to meet with me https://t.co/Z5oMs9BhG6
16 December 2015 20:21
Thanks @irisbenson100 a really great comment! #WeDocs https://t.co/CGBB1iLKYa
16 December 2015 20:21
@WeDocs this shows some coproduction work https://t.co/QYqLKnXHDs #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:21
#WeDocs opportunities around Personal Health Budgets. Also wider issue re understanding costs https://t.co/Z663qyPZrp
16 December 2015 20:21
RT @WeDocs: Lets build rich & effective interactions -"Patients as Partners" #Wedocs 8-9pm Wed 16/12/15 https://t.co/Gj9nMySeym https://t.c…
16 December 2015 20:21
Getting some fantastic articles on #coproduction #WeDocs https://t.co/eIfhpTUWAR
16 December 2015 20:22
@OCDTrudy excellent news! doesn't always happen #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:22
@sm_partnership @roz_davies absolutely a marathon not a sprint ! Build relationships & communicate - at personal & community level #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:22
RT @madeofbeauty: Here's my particular take on #coproduction: https://t.co/GVxis6CTri #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:22
#WeDocs @WeDocs create new, open democratic spaces for diff't conversations to trigger creativity in orgns; flatten power differentials
16 December 2015 20:22
@RichardRecover in next part we share how pple have managed to engage #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:22
RT @WeDocs: Agree https://t.co/yBZWlnUQ3D #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:22
Agree @madeofbeauty- care does not happen in isolation #coproduction #WeDocs https://t.co/HDoTRouykF
16 December 2015 20:22
@WeDocs it's like the control does not lay with either the patient or the HCP -I hate consultations where I feel unheard &impotent #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:22
Some docs are pts too - some powerful stuff from this direction (see @GrangerKate or @liz_oriordan for examples) #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:22
#WeDocs Q2 we talk about lots abt scarce resource in health/care & then keep locked up the most abundant resource there is >ppl/communities
16 December 2015 20:22
RT @HelenHSAUK: @WeDocs not partnership working or consultation - much deeper than that - sharing power #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:22
RT @HelenHSAUK: @roz_davies @sm_partnership @GleefulKaz agree! described as long term relationship not a one night stand #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:22
#wedocs why is it that as a citizen I know more about my bank account than I do my health record? In "Co-Production" i'm disadvantaged?
16 December 2015 20:22
#WeDocs co-production is tuning in - Pritpal signing in from Newport
16 December 2015 20:22
@madeofbeauty Will be reading this later & then retweet. Good to see you Phil ?? #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:22
@luckockp Pam, the whole point of coproduction is combining our skills #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:22
RT @EmilyHSAUK: @HelenHSAUK @WeDocs @sm_partnership and outcomes that a person has ownership of more likely to be reached #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:22
#wedocs does it need great leadership from fab peeps like u @louiseravenscro who stick at it & challenge the system? https://t.co/dwph7ZyT9w
16 December 2015 20:22
@Chris5anne @WeDocs how do we get people w lived experience in room & being compensated for time/exp often they donate time free #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:22
RT @KathEvans2: @HelenHSAUK @WeDocs ladders or wheels fab blog by @SpcialNdsJungle https://t.co/C8P0VTeZgq #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:22
@WeDocs engage through existing networks, patient groups, expert patients/carers, community groups.....benefits for all. #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:22
#wedocs another sign of uncollaboration is telling someone what's good for them without listening to what they know too
16 December 2015 20:22
@madeofbeauty Well said! Great blog post! #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:22
T1 Maybe,but if so must b addressed/removed. MDs have more training, patients know themselves. On same side! #wedocs https://t.co/43yfjMb4W2
16 December 2015 20:23
@WeDocs to understand the patient perspective and empower them to make decision that matter to them #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:23
Great comment pls keep sharing it with #WeDocs https://t.co/G9pnkJ7fIK
16 December 2015 20:23
Is it not about trust & mutual respect (over ego!)? #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:23
#WeDocs People are less risk averse than professionals. What people want v different to what provided https://t.co/sXhVElgQgK
16 December 2015 20:23
RT @pauljebb1: @WeDocs this shows some coproduction work https://t.co/QYqLKnXHDs #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:23
#WeDocs Q2. It's important as patients are the biggest a untapped asset of a financially crippled NHS, we can improve efficacy and save £
16 December 2015 20:23
@RichardRecover @louiseravenscro @WeDocs co-production entails a certain set of values, you *have* to walk the talk with this one #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:23
RT @Chris5anne: @WeDocs Having lived experience as essential grounds discussions in reality & adds value to proposed outcomes #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:23
#wedocs have to dip out oops ?? apols x
16 December 2015 20:23
RT @HelenHSAUK: @roz_davies @sm_partnership @GleefulKaz agree! described as long term relationship not a one night stand #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:23
@WeDocs seeing the fantastic work of our peer trainers first hand has inspired me to embrace #coproduction #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:23
@sm_partnership @WeDocs coproduction requires very different conversations #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:23
@fran_ohara @WeDocs hahahahahaha #WeDocs #coproduction
16 December 2015 20:23
RT @HelenHSAUK: #wedocs hello! I am Helen working with @co4cc and @TLAP1 coproduction groups and blog with @logr24 on this subject too
16 December 2015 20:23
RT @roz_davies: #wedocs Q1. Coproduction is fundamentally about relationships of integrity, equality and shared purpose. You can't fake it!
16 December 2015 20:23
RT @pauljebb1: @WeDocs this shows some coproduction work https://t.co/QYqLKnXHDs #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:23
#wedocs agree - power dynamics absolutely crucial https://t.co/zsPrXzKvEu must find new 'common spaces'; takes time https://t.co/k0tOz6frQe
16 December 2015 20:24
#wedocs https://t.co/luTt5ghSPm
16 December 2015 20:24
RT @gbrgsy: #WeDocs @WeDocs create new, open democratic spaces for diff't conversations to trigger creativity in orgns; flatten power diffe…
16 December 2015 20:24
@RichardRecover @louiseravenscro Interesting #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:24
RT @TinyTonyH: #wedocs why is it that as a citizen I know more about my bank account than I do my health record? In "Co-Production" i'm dis…
16 December 2015 20:24
@gbrgsy @WeDocs agree we created 'meetups' format hospitable space, this is ideal - how docs engage in 10min slot? build trust fast? #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:24
.@Patient_Leader Hey Dominic, good to see you here #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:24
@nxtstop1 Use of language itself can cause problems-'power' gives impression of taking over- which is not, should not be, the case #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:24
@irisbenson100 hi Iris you need to view by looking at #wedocs tweets
16 December 2015 20:24
@fran_ohara @WeDocs Use existing structures- make it a requirement for at least Non Exec/Lay member, include on programme boards ..#WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:24
@WeDocs I work with Breathe easy group locally, wonderful to meet them in a diff setting away from hospital #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:24
#WeDocs ? Have we much choice? #austerity https://t.co/1RAdfr0ogF
16 December 2015 20:24
Some great blogs, too! MT @Nicki_Haywood: engage through existing networks, pt groups, expert patients/carers,.benefits for all. #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:24
#wedocs Q2 if we really want to create conditions where ppl can self care, sense of control is key #salutogenisis https://t.co/K1HUTcAG72
16 December 2015 20:25
@KathEvans2 @WeDocs we are all the same & at some point will all need to use services so start from that & shape dialogue together #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:25
RT @EmilyHSAUK: @HelenHSAUK @WeDocs @sm_partnership and outcomes that a person has ownership of more likely to be reached #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:25
Fab comment but pls can you add #WeDocs so all can see? https://t.co/ari2uhVJU1
16 December 2015 20:25
RT @roz_davies: #wedocs Q2 if we really want to create conditions where ppl can self care, sense of control is key #salutogenisis https://…
16 December 2015 20:25
RT @TinyTonyH: #wedocs why is it that as a citizen I know more about my bank account than I do my health record? In "Co-Production" i'm dis…
16 December 2015 20:25
RT @Laconic_doc: Is it not about trust & mutual respect (over ego!)? #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:25
@sm_partnership @WeDocs The doctor is powerless without the patient in diabetes care. #coproduction is the only way #WeDocs #DiabetesWest
16 December 2015 20:25
RT @nav_doc: @WeDocs to understand the patient perspective and empower them to make decision that matter to them #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:25
RT @notjustaheadach: #WeDocs Q2. It's important as patients are the biggest a untapped asset of a financially crippled NHS, we can improve …
16 December 2015 20:25
@fran_ohara @Chris5anne @WeDocs Can b harder enough just getting expenses covered so @NHSEngland nd dedicated budget so all included #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:25
RT @LynneBowers2: #WeDocs People are less risk averse than professionals. What people want v different to what provided https://t.co/sXhVE…
16 December 2015 20:26
RT @KarenPharm: @WeDocs seeing the fantastic work of our peer trainers first hand has inspired me to embrace #coproduction #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:26
RT @HelenHSAUK: @sm_partnership @WeDocs coproduction requires very different conversations #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:26
RT @dr_shibley: @fran_ohara @WeDocs hahahahahaha #WeDocs #coproduction
16 December 2015 20:26
@WeDocs @nxtstop1 #wedocs We have nearly 1000 authentic digital stories created/co-produced by patients, carers, staff: experiences shared.
16 December 2015 20:26
@fran_ohara @WeDocs I work with @Co4CC as a coproduction member so join different organisation's to bring experience to issues #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:26
Agree #coproduction #WeDocs #hellomynameis https://t.co/lcAkOCd43S
16 December 2015 20:26
@dr_shibley @fran_ohara like to share more pls? #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:26
For some docs, 'power dynamic' is the coping mechanism for insecurity, I believe #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:26
RT @roz_davies: #WeDocs Q2 we talk about lots abt scarce resource in health/care & then keep locked up the most abundant resource there is …
16 December 2015 20:27
@pharmerfour @WeDocs @notjustaheadach Mindset change needed.Some doctors think they already put patient at centre in paternal way #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:27
@WeDocs #wedocs Soz new to Twitter and over excited??
16 December 2015 20:27
An interesting observation Thoughts #WeDocs https://t.co/Iq3VhSVeuX
16 December 2015 20:27
@WeDocs @roz_davies it's important because it's the right thing to do! and it will probably save money for NHS #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:27
@WeDocs largely Dr's in clinical leadership positions 'get' this but long standing NHS managers struggle reliquishing power! #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:27
@Chris5anne @WeDocs we did focus groups on coproduction across Wales people with range of conditions some none, we need all in convo #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:27
RT @WeDocs: Agree #coproduction #WeDocs #hellomynameis https://t.co/lcAkOCd43S
16 December 2015 20:27
#wedocs I spend time listening to my peers we collaborate coproduce everyday on here it's about mutual respect not necessarily with a HCP
16 December 2015 20:27
@RNeilABlack #wedocs @WeDocs that is how we should be - we need to understand it is impossible to deliver effective healthcare without it
16 December 2015 20:27
@GleefulKaz @fran_ohara is that even worse - the tokenism which is inauthentic? #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:27
RT @HelenHSAUK: @sm_partnership @WeDocs coproduction requires very different conversations #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:27
RT @KathEvans2: #wedocs does it need great leadership from fab peeps like u @louiseravenscro who stick at it & challenge the system? https:…
16 December 2015 20:27
@Imonlyslightly @nxtstop1 T1 Yes,esp if history of mistrust, unmet needs, chronicity of symptoms unanswered> sensitive, words matter #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:27
RT @nav_doc: @WeDocs I work with Breathe easy group locally, wonderful to meet them in a diff setting away from hospital #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:27
#wedocs true coproduction shifts power to the process and away from formal hierarchy; design thinking can help https://t.co/al8QJm6hRD
16 December 2015 20:27
@Patient_Leader @fran_ohara @WeDocs @NHSEngland And need structure with access to training & development #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:27
#WeDocs I agree and that means to let go of the political angle of management https://t.co/oUciq6MN9e
16 December 2015 20:27
RT @OlwenOlwen: #coproduction #WeDocs Patients as Partners Olwen here from N Wales https://t.co/OG5nsX3oav
16 December 2015 20:27
RT @nxtstop1: T1 Maybe,but if so must b addressed/removed. MDs have more training, patients know themselves. On same side! #wedocs https://…
16 December 2015 20:27
RT @PilgrimPip: @WeDocs @nxtstop1 #wedocs We have nearly 1000 authentic digital stories created/co-produced by patients, carers, staff: exp…
16 December 2015 20:28
#WeDocs - sorry late in. I'm a GP in Sheffield and lead for Person Centred Care program in Sheffield. Some great stuff already
16 December 2015 20:28
RT @HelenHSAUK: Some thoughts on what it is @wedocs #wedocs https://t.co/PC93RMdbpz
16 December 2015 20:28
@WeDocs @madeofbeauty @HelenHSAUK @OlwenOlwen @ksslc #wedocs Hahahaha skulking was meant to be skilling!
16 December 2015 20:28
This is so great to hear #WeDocs https://t.co/5snbRDt1Wl
16 December 2015 20:28
@LynneBowers2 will #coproduction of Personal Health Budgets mean that #wedocs end up becoming financial advisors as well?
16 December 2015 20:28
Trouble is, £££! RT @RichardRecover: #WeDocs I agree and that means to let go of the political angle of management https://t.co/nrZVmXgD1n
16 December 2015 20:28
@Laconic_doc Wouldn't disagree with that #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:28
#wedocs sorry have to dip out but look forward to write up excellent chat thanks
16 December 2015 20:28
@helenfindlay @pharmerfour @WeDocs @notjustaheadach Is gradual transition possible/desirable as culture change is a long process? #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:28
@KathEvans2 @WeDocs @HelenHSAUK @SpcialNdsJungle teach the ladder as a basic way of understanding but no place is wrong place #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:28
RT @gbrgsy: #wedocs true coproduction shifts power to the process and away from formal hierarchy; design thinking can help https://t.co/al8…
16 December 2015 20:28
#wedocs q2 some interesting stuff here https://t.co/DLW8lkP43l
16 December 2015 20:28
RT @Laconic_doc: For some docs, 'power dynamic' is the coping mechanism for insecurity, I believe #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:28
RT @PilgrimPip: @WeDocs @nxtstop1 #wedocs We have nearly 1000 authentic digital stories created/co-produced by patients, carers, staff: exp…
16 December 2015 20:28
RT @nav_doc: @WeDocs to understand the patient perspective and empower them to make decision that matter to them #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:28
RT @BPDFFS: #wedocs another sign of uncollaboration is telling someone what's good for them without listening to what they know too
16 December 2015 20:29
@roz_davies completely agree with the principle, however worry about the motivation factor which IMO is a key determinant to SM #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:29
RT @Chris5anne: @Patient_Leader @fran_ohara @WeDocs @NHSEngland And need structure with access to training & development #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:29
@fran_ohara @WeDocs That can work but still condition/siloed working rather than being embedded in holistic way #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:29
#wedocs I worry about people with #dementia getting left behind in coproduction, may be overlooked. Need to guard against this
16 December 2015 20:29
@LynneBowers2 @WeDocs and sometimes cheaper! #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:29
@WeDocs if people see coproduction in action, they understand is 1 solution to budget cuts etc sharing case studies will communicate #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:29
@ksspsc so pleased you join chat though ?? #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:29
RT @sm_partnership: @WeDocs @roz_davies it's important because it's the right thing to do! and it will probably save money for NHS #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:29
@Chris5anne Absolutely ?? #WeDocs @fran_ohara @WeDocs @NHSEngland
16 December 2015 20:29
Tokenism? #WeDocs https://t.co/TUUar1OCZc
16 December 2015 20:30
#WeDocs im here predominantly as a prient and i get the ££ angle, but a lot of patients dont, they need hearing too https://t.co/XDJsddIZHK
16 December 2015 20:30
@GleefulKaz yes &q3 starts on solutions #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:30
RT @LynneBowers2: #WeDocs ? Have we much choice? #austerity https://t.co/1RAdfr0ogF
16 December 2015 20:30
RT @roz_davies: #wedocs q2 some interesting stuff here https://t.co/DLW8lkP43l
16 December 2015 20:30
RT @PilgrimPip: @WeDocs @nxtstop1 #wedocs We have nearly 1000 authentic digital stories created/co-produced by patients, carers, staff: exp…
16 December 2015 20:30
RT @roz_davies: #wedocs Q2 if we really want to create conditions where ppl can self care, sense of control is key #salutogenisis https://…
16 December 2015 20:30
@nav_doc @roz_davies Whose motivation-clinician, patient, carer? #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:30
RT @HelenHSAUK: @RNeilABlack #wedocs @WeDocs that is how we should be - we need to understand it is impossible to deliver effective healthc…
16 December 2015 20:30
RT @PilgrimPip: @WeDocs @nxtstop1 #wedocs We have nearly 1000 authentic digital stories created/co-produced by patients, carers, staff: exp…
16 December 2015 20:30
@WeDocs #WeDocs what's the most effective way to empower patients in health so that we cater their choices, not tell them what to do
16 December 2015 20:30
RT @Chris5anne: @Patient_Leader @fran_ohara @WeDocs @NHSEngland And need structure with access to training & development #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:30
@nav_doc @roz_davies and also need to understand/respect the fact that some patients aren't ready or don't want to be that involved #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:30
RT @ksspsc: @WeDocs @madeofbeauty @HelenHSAUK @OlwenOlwen @ksslc #wedocs Hahahaha skulking was meant to be skilling!
16 December 2015 20:31
Any relationship is based on trust. Talking co-production & not seeing it through is more harmful than not doing it at all. @WeDocs #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:31
@lizcharalambou yes, & aging (older old) individuals in general #wedocs.
16 December 2015 20:31
RT @pharmerfour: @WeDocs #WeDocs what's the most effective way to empower patients in health so that we cater their choices, not tell them …
16 December 2015 20:31
@lizcharalambou Working with families with new babies, is huge variety in level of self determinism they want at a vulnerable time #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:31
RT @roz_davies: #wedocs Q2 if we really want to create conditions where ppl can self care, sense of control is key #salutogenisis https://…
16 December 2015 20:31
RT @KathEvans2: @HelenHSAUK @WeDocs ladders or wheels fab blog by @SpcialNdsJungle https://t.co/C8P0VTeZgq #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:31
@HelenHSAUK @WeDocs @sm_partnership Co-prod:mutually assured care,respect,equality & jt decision-making to find right path for indiv #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:31
@WeDocs Good events, we often see 'health talking to itself' - get real people in events, let them have a voice & tell their story #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:31
and other mental h probs? MT @lizcharalambou: #wedocs worry re people with #dementia getting left behind in coproduction, may be overlooked
16 December 2015 20:31
Hello Iris love what you are saying but pls can you include #wedocs so all can see? ???? https://t.co/K8mx5qUuTm
16 December 2015 20:31
how do we marry up coproduction with organisational culture and sub cultures if they don't match? #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:31
@OlwenOlwen @HelenHSAUK it's because I do know more about MS than GP ..really and good GP will say so! I've lived w it for 20Yrs! #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:31
RT @Chris5anne: @Patient_Leader @fran_ohara @WeDocs @NHSEngland And need structure with access to training & development #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:32
Exactly what I was thinking! #wedocs same for HCP's! https://t.co/YkfuH5zGoE
16 December 2015 20:32
@GleefulKaz @WeDocs get commissioners, patients, clinicians in joint discussions from get go, no hierarchy only shared outcomes #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:32
RT @lizcharalambou: #wedocs I worry about people with #dementia getting left behind in coproduction, may be overlooked. Need to guard again…
16 December 2015 20:32
#wedocs tokenism = 'race to the bottom'; radical roots of coproduction = 'democratising public services' Fotaki https://t.co/43OKjzUnSu
16 December 2015 20:32
@pharmerfour @WeDocs Create a hospitable space. Listen. Learn. Talk. Work out how they can get clost to 'what matters to them' #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:32
#wedocs Need to understand that systems have created and encouraged dependency & so new systems need to take time to foster independence
16 December 2015 20:32
RT @WeDocs: Tokenism? #WeDocs https://t.co/TUUar1OCZc
16 December 2015 20:32
@lizcharalambou Many patients/ carers left out because their illness/ caring responsibilities prevent attendance #WeDocs Lost resources.
16 December 2015 20:32
@FoxHedgehog @WeDocs yes & to maintain trust don't promise more than we can deliver #austerity #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:32
RT @HelenHSAUK: Some thoughts on what it is @wedocs #wedocs https://t.co/PC93RMdbpz
16 December 2015 20:32
Q3. What has worked well and how we achieved it? This Q will be led by @Irisbenson1004 #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:32
@Jneildwy @pharmerfour @WeDocs @notjustaheadach Journey of 1,000 miles begins with first step, to coin a phrase. Worth the effort #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:32
RT @Laconic_doc: Trouble is, £££! RT @RichardRecover: #WeDocs I agree and that means to let go of the political angle of management https:/…
16 December 2015 20:33
RT @annedraya: @FoxHedgehog @WeDocs yes & to maintain trust don't promise more than we can deliver #austerity #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:33
@FoxHedgehog @WeDocs yes, it's disrespectful of people's time and energy, damages trust for future coproduction too #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:33
RT @gbrgsy: #WeDocs @WeDocs create new, open democratic spaces for diff't conversations to trigger creativity in orgns; flatten power diffe…
16 December 2015 20:33
RT @roz_davies: #wedocs q2 some interesting stuff here https://t.co/DLW8lkP43l
16 December 2015 20:33
@lizcharalambou We have a ResearchNet group that is for older adults espec those with dementia and are a productive group #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:33
@notjustaheadach. agree++ patient resource. But system + consciousness of patient and doc mostly not set for it yet- will take time #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:33
RT @lizcharalambou: #wedocs I worry about people with #dementia getting left behind in coproduction, may be overlooked. Need to guard again…
16 December 2015 20:33
@EmilyHSAUK @HelenHSAUK @WeDocs definitely. If I've said I'll do it and it's important to me the I keep my side of bargain #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:33
@WeDocs but on personal care level many Dr's struggle to act as equal partners in my care ! Which is a diff facet of co production #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:33
RT @Laconic_doc: and other mental h probs? MT @lizcharalambou: #wedocs worry re people with #dementia getting left behind in coproduction, …
16 December 2015 20:33
@pharmerfour @WeDocs "most effective way to empower patients"? Write your notes to the patient for the patient #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:34
T1 Both US & UK embarking on these new ways of thinking re healthcare(self managing,self care etc) Ppl need more health literacy imo #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:34
@pharmerfour @WeDocs Ensure you have empowered professionals who understand partnership working & assisting in decision making #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:34
RT @WeDocs: Q3. What has worked well and how we achieved it? This Q will be led by @Irisbenson1004 #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:34
@lizcharalambou work on hearts and minds, one at a time. We *are* the culture #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:34
@helenfindlay @HelenHSAUK @WeDocs @sm_partnership Does HCP or patient really want 'control’ other,or do both want to control disease?#WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:34
Coproduction and shared care essential for vast majority of patients but don't marginalise few who want paternalistic care #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:34
RT @WeDocs: Q3. What has worked well and how we achieved it? This Q will be led by @Irisbenson1004 #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:34
#wedocs I'm on the PD strategy team for my Trust @SHSCFT that's where collaboration begins at the top not the bottom
16 December 2015 20:34
RT @lizcharalambou: #wedocs I worry about people with #dementia getting left behind in coproduction, may be overlooked. Need to guard again…
16 December 2015 20:34
@pharmerfour @WeDocs ask them! Create ways for pts to feedback - listen when 1-1, graffiti boards, tops & pants - be innovative #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:34
RT @RichardRecover: Patients as Partners via #WeDocs 16/12/2015 https://t.co/5c2tQKssEh via @WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:34
RT @HelenHSAUK: Some thoughts on what it is @wedocs #wedocs https://t.co/PC93RMdbpz
16 December 2015 20:34
#WeDocs recent systematic review here may be of interest. Cocreation/coproduction & social innovation: https://t.co/Mo9lGGVxBj
16 December 2015 20:34
Thoughts on this #WeDocs https://t.co/tNKDMIOdZk
16 December 2015 20:34
@lizcharalambou & their family, carers, our meetup hosted by person w dementia, coproduced & delivered @dr_shibley #dementianwales #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:34
RT @WeDocs: Q3. What has worked well and how we achieved it? This Q will be led by @Irisbenson1004 #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:34
RT @TinyTonyH: @pharmerfour @WeDocs "most effective way to empower patients"? Write your notes to the patient for the patient #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:34
RT @gbrgsy: #wedocs tokenism = 'race to the bottom'; radical roots of coproduction = 'democratising public services' Fotaki https://t.co/43…
16 December 2015 20:34
RT @lizcharalambou: #wedocs I worry about people with #dementia getting left behind in coproduction, may be overlooked. Need to guard again…
16 December 2015 20:34
RT @roz_davies: #wedocs q2 some interesting stuff here https://t.co/DLW8lkP43l
16 December 2015 20:34
@olliehart7 there are more opportunities than we think... Not all formal routes #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:34
RT @lizcharalambou: #wedocs I worry about people with #dementia getting left behind in coproduction, may be overlooked. Need to guard again…
16 December 2015 20:34
#WeDocs or bring patients into that angle because its here to stay https://t.co/XDJsddIZHK
16 December 2015 20:35
@leighakendall @FoxHedgehog yes totally agree & to be avoided at all costs as so disrespectful for a start... #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:35
@WeDocs #wedocs being a patient is a process, so fran is right not to call #coproduction an event - it's a process engaging with a process
16 December 2015 20:35
Get them to set agenda? MT @TinyTonyH: "most effective way to empower patients"? Write your notes to the pt for the pt #WeDocs #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:35
RT @WeDocs: Thoughts on this #WeDocs https://t.co/tNKDMIOdZk
16 December 2015 20:35
RT @dr_shibley: @WeDocs #wedocs being a patient is a process, so fran is right not to call #coproduction an event - it's a process engaging…
16 December 2015 20:35
@Chris5anne @pharmerfour @WeDocs trained professionals, who've been given time & opportunity to learn the new skills needed #wedocs good eg?
16 December 2015 20:35
@acutemed2 yes, need to be respectful of all needs #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:35
As long as we all know what is the endpoint of that 'Journey' #wedocs https://t.co/XH6DbADGcb
16 December 2015 20:35
RT @roz_davies: #wedocs q2 some interesting stuff here https://t.co/DLW8lkP43l
16 December 2015 20:35
In CCG LM role I advocate for strategic level PPI- but it's like banging my head against a brick wall at wider system level #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:36
RT @WeDocs: @leighakendall @FoxHedgehog yes totally agree & to be avoided at all costs as so disrespectful for a start... #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:36
@Laconic_doc @WeDocs @RichardRecover co-production starting from co-developed outcomes can save £££. open discussion shared goals #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:36
@helenfindlay @HelenHSAUK @WeDocs @sm_partnership Do consultations risk becoming conflict?#WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:36
RT @dr_shibley: @WeDocs #wedocs being a patient is a process, so fran is right not to call #coproduction an event - it's a process engaging…
16 December 2015 20:36
@WeDocs Recovery college's where peer & practitioner trainers work together to deliver courses to service users, carers & staff #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:36
RT @gbrgsy: #wedocs tokenism = 'race to the bottom'; radical roots of coproduction = 'democratising public services' Fotaki https://t.co/43…
16 December 2015 20:36
@Jneildwy @helenfindlay @HelenHSAUK @sm_partnership ooh interesting point #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:36
#wedocs talking about empowering patients how do we empower HCP's so that they feel able to collaborate? Giving up power is difficult ..
16 December 2015 20:36
@Imonlyslightly @lizcharalambou yes! I find it extremely difficult to get involved locally due to anxiety disorder, Twitter helps #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:36
#wedocs Q3 We put coproduction at heart of what we do @RecoverySheff listen to radical vision on https://t.co/mTR1NMcnwP #sheffieldflourish
16 December 2015 20:36
RT @roz_davies: #wedocs Q3 We put coproduction at heart of what we do @RecoverySheff listen to radical vision on https://t.co/mTR1NMcnwP #s…
16 December 2015 20:36
@pharmerfour @WeDocs to take time to really listen without judgement, to respect views+understand. Wanting 2b heard jst human nature #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:36
@dr_shibley @WeDocs like running along side a fast moving train and trying to jump on! Not always easy! Lol #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:36
RT @WeDocs: Q3. What has worked well and how we achieved it? This Q will be led by @Irisbenson1004 #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:36
@LynneBowers2 @WeDocs #WeDocs co production really is a new way of working but you have to trust in our skill and strengths
16 December 2015 20:37
@annedraya @lizcharalambou and of course challenge the culture! Look at what can be a tool to change that, start small, build up #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:37
@Jneildwy @HelenHSAUK @WeDocs @sm_partnership Work tog to control disease - in #palliative care, work together for quality of life #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:37
RT @WeDocs: Thoughts on this #WeDocs https://t.co/tNKDMIOdZk
16 December 2015 20:37
@flippper1 @pharmerfour @WeDocs Exactly. HCPs that don't tho may lack insight 2 realise they r ineffective and then blame the person #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:37
@dockeithwales @WeDocs - they need to be there from all levels - each has a value & perception to bring to the table! #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:37
In hospital, open visiting (& encouraging relatives' presence on ward round) = small step twrds coproduction? We've just started it! #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:37
#wedocs @Irisbenson1004 QIC Newham had LTC pts leading & challenging & presenting as 'people' and then working with other pts in practices
16 December 2015 20:37
RT @gbrgsy: #WeDocs recent systematic review here may be of interest. Cocreation/coproduction & social innovation: https://t.co/Mo9lGGVxBj
16 December 2015 20:37
RT @roz_davies: #wedocs Q2 if we really want to create conditions where ppl can self care, sense of control is key #salutogenisis https://…
16 December 2015 20:37
@WeDocs It's vital to get full picture of any potential change to see through the eyes of patient/carer for quality & cost effective #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:37
.@Laconic_doc @TinyTonyH #WeDocs yes! Seems obvious but have found great resistance to this among some psych Dr's
16 December 2015 20:37
RT @roz_davies: #wedocs Q3 We put coproduction at heart of what we do @RecoverySheff listen to radical vision on https://t.co/mTR1NMcnwP #s…
16 December 2015 20:37
@Jneildwy @helenfindlay @HelenHSAUK @WeDocs I don't want control I want to manage so I feel in control of my life with MS #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:37
How do we prevent this? @irisbenson100 can tell us how she did #WeDocs https://t.co/E6HpfdCGkh
16 December 2015 20:37
RT @dr_shibley: @allyc375 @hayology @ermintrude2 @KateSwaffer #WeDocs https://t.co/eVMCP04NQq
16 December 2015 20:37
RT @Jneildwy: @helenfindlay @HelenHSAUK @WeDocs @sm_partnership Do consultations risk becoming conflict?#WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:37
RT @irisbenson100: @LynneBowers2 @WeDocs #WeDocs co production really is a new way of working but you have to trust in our skill and streng…
16 December 2015 20:37
Ask them to invite people choose venue, involved in all, their connections & their connections connections #wedocs https://t.co/OlKIfbHKiy
16 December 2015 20:37
RT @gosia_bal: As long as we all know what is the endpoint of that 'Journey' #wedocs https://t.co/XH6DbADGcb
16 December 2015 20:38
@TinyTonyH @pharmerfour Would being sent the clinic / OPD summary be sufficient? #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:38
@helenfindlay @pharmerfour @WeDocs @notjustaheadach Trying to reach out at moment, sometimes families at birth just want me to tell #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:38
Which is why patients need real (executive) power in orgs #WeDocs otherwise window dressing https://t.co/8zFgJDEYyc https://t.co/O0Ca3u44LD
16 December 2015 20:38
Another one for my Christmas list Santa #wedocs https://t.co/IA7poYhytJ
16 December 2015 20:38
RT @roz_davies: #wedocs Q2 if we really want to create conditions where ppl can self care, sense of control is key #salutogenisis https://…
16 December 2015 20:38
RT @notjustaheadach: @dr_shibley @WeDocs like running along side a fast moving train and trying to jump on! Not always easy! Lol #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:38
@Laconic_doc @TinyTonyH Respect patients' understanding too & knowledge of their own health conditions #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:38
RT @ANKHEmpress: #wedocs @Irisbenson1004 QIC Newham had LTC pts leading & challenging & presenting as 'people' and then working with other …
16 December 2015 20:38
RT @irisbenson100: @LynneBowers2 @WeDocs #WeDocs co production really is a new way of working but you have to trust in our skill and streng…
16 December 2015 20:38
#wedocs not a zero sum game! Convince through robust evidence that everyone benefits; evidence base currently weak https://t.co/7PNGnBnkfJ
16 December 2015 20:38
#wedocs I want to be involved, I want to have the forum to talk, but if I'm not listened 2&my path doesn't change... https://t.co/MrPNFll7HC
16 December 2015 20:38
And patients see so many people, including different doctors, hard for them to get consistency & build trust #wedocs https://t.co/KGYg2KDgji
16 December 2015 20:38
@Jneildwy @helenfindlay @HelenHSAUK @WeDocs to feel in control I need support to self-manage from HCPs of all kinds #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:38
RT @DavidGilbert43: Which is why patients need real (executive) power in orgs #WeDocs otherwise window dressing https://t.co/8zFgJDEYyc htt…
16 December 2015 20:38
@DavidGilbert43 Was wondering when you would join - good to see you here! #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:39
.@GleefulKaz This is where the 'culture' begins and ends with key drivers determining eventual outcomes #coproductive or not #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:39
#WeDocs Q2 recognise this is a big shift in docs value system. We were trained as problem solvers. Co-P requires us redefine value set
16 December 2015 20:39
@Laconic_doc I think you know more about your patients health than you do your own health.. unless you look at them yourself #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:39
@RNeilABlack @flippper1 @pharmerfour pls can you expand? #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:39
RT @DavidGilbert43: Which is why patients need real (executive) power in orgs #WeDocs otherwise window dressing https://t.co/8zFgJDEYyc htt…
16 December 2015 20:39
@BPDFFS Having the backing of the trust is a first step. We have that and staff are therefore comfortable working using co-design #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:39
@Laconic_doc Different I think- need to clearly define the aims for professional and patient/carer for clarity #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:39
RT @gosia_bal: As long as we all know what is the endpoint of that 'Journey' #wedocs https://t.co/XH6DbADGcb
16 December 2015 20:39
#WeDocs i love it - we have had recvovery colleges in york just for patients -joint is best https://t.co/vTCcZkxLQQ
16 December 2015 20:39
@gosia_bal Possibly get to know endpoint on individual level if not collectively but also can develop & evolve over time - flexible #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:39
RT @fran_ohara: And patients see so many people, including different doctors, hard for them to get consistency & build trust #wedocs https:…
16 December 2015 20:39
NB with relatives incl can be several agendas: pt's, relative's, therapist's, consultant's, &GP's!! Try reconciling that: need ACAS! #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:39
RT @fran_ohara: And patients see so many people, including different doctors, hard for them to get consistency & build trust #wedocs https:…
16 December 2015 20:39
RT @Jneildwy: @helenfindlay @HelenHSAUK @WeDocs @sm_partnership Do consultations risk becoming conflict?#WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:39
RT @dr_shibley: @WeDocs #wedocs being a patient is a process, so fran is right not to call #coproduction an event - it's a process engaging…
16 December 2015 20:39
RT @DavidGilbert43: Which is why patients need real (executive) power in orgs #WeDocs otherwise window dressing https://t.co/8zFgJDEYyc htt…
16 December 2015 20:39
@fran_ohara @WeDocs #WeDocs but we also want to move feom listening to the story &into using their perspective and expertise to drive Imprmt
16 December 2015 20:39
@RNeilABlack @flippper1 @pharmerfour @WeDocs Rec>Have educational programs/ tools to address gaps in insight, empathy, other issues #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:39
#WeDocs I do Iris! I am a Carer too https://t.co/DClSe6WkIM
16 December 2015 20:40
@Jneildwy @helenfindlay @HelenHSAUK @WeDocs sometimes there is conflict however I prefer to work together 2minds better than 1 #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:40
RT @dr_shibley: My blogpost about #coproduction https://t.co/S4dzFNN7so #Wedocs
16 December 2015 20:40
RT @olliehart7: #WeDocs Q2 recognise this is a big shift in docs value system. We were trained as problem solvers. Co-P requires us redefin…
16 December 2015 20:40
RT @DavidGilbert43: Which is why patients need real (executive) power in orgs #WeDocs otherwise window dressing https://t.co/8zFgJDEYyc htt…
16 December 2015 20:40
RT @DavidGilbert43: Which is why patients need real (executive) power in orgs #WeDocs otherwise window dressing https://t.co/8zFgJDEYyc htt…
16 December 2015 20:40
view from Sheffield #coproduction #WeDocs https://t.co/OBz2teiWrR
16 December 2015 20:40
@WeDocs I'm going to enjoy picking up all the links being share on #coproduction via #wedocs later! Brilliant!
16 December 2015 20:40
We encourage in paediatric care, even parents in local anaesthetic operations. Very positive#WeDocs https://t.co/HbeRGXfmq7
16 December 2015 20:40
@Jneildwy @WeDocs @helenfindlay @HelenHSAUK @sm_partnership yes, need to ascertain what is expected at start #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:40
RT @Imonlyslightly: @Laconic_doc @TinyTonyH Respect patients' understanding too & knowledge of their own health conditions #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:40
#WeDocs. Q2. from my experience it is right thing to do. It offers lasting sustainable futures. Will take all our effort to shift paradigm
16 December 2015 20:40
@sm_partnership @WeDocs We work as a team with staff there is no us and them #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:40
@annedraya @lizcharalambou Meetings have uses but also limitations. Need better use of communication tools SM/ e-mail focus groups #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:40
RT @notjustaheadach: #wedocs I want to be involved, I want to have the forum to talk, but if I'm not listened 2&my path doesn't change... h…
16 December 2015 20:40
RT @ksspsc: @fran_ohara @WeDocs #WeDocs but we also want to move feom listening to the story &into using their perspective and expertise to…
16 December 2015 20:41
RT @roz_davies: @WeDocs I'm going to enjoy picking up all the links being share on #coproduction via #wedocs later! Brilliant!
16 December 2015 20:41
RT @pauljebb1: @Jneildwy @WeDocs @helenfindlay @HelenHSAUK @sm_partnership yes, need to ascertain what is expected at start #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:41
@Jneildwy @HelenHSAUK @WeDocs @sm_partnership Some of them are already & can add to upset-communications skills needed by HCPs esp #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:41
RT @OCDTrudy: @sm_partnership @WeDocs We work as a team with staff there is no us and them #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:41
@fran_ohara a huge part of it - continuity of care and systems depends on building long-lasting relationships of **people** #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:41
RT @WeDocs: An interesting observation Thoughts #WeDocs https://t.co/Iq3VhSVeuX
16 December 2015 20:41
RT @WeDocs: @Jneildwy @helenfindlay @HelenHSAUK @sm_partnership ooh interesting point #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:41
@pauljebb1 @Jneildwy @WeDocs @helenfindlay @HelenHSAUK shared agenda setting skill both sides could do with training in #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:41
This is *key*! MT @fran_ohara: And pts see so many people, including different drs, hard for them to get consistency & build trust #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:41
RT @DavidGilbert43: Which is why patients need real (executive) power in orgs #WeDocs otherwise window dressing https://t.co/8zFgJDEYyc htt…
16 December 2015 20:41
RT @RichardRecover: #WeDocs i love it - we have had recvovery colleges in york just for patients -joint is best https://t.co/vTCcZkxLQQ
16 December 2015 20:41
RT @ksspsc: @fran_ohara @WeDocs #WeDocs but we also want to move feom listening to the story &into using their perspective and expertise to…
16 December 2015 20:41
@OCDTrudy that sounds really positive #wedocs our trust backs collaboration too but many find it difficult still
16 December 2015 20:41
RT @DavidGilbert43: Which is why patients need real (executive) power in orgs #WeDocs otherwise window dressing https://t.co/8zFgJDEYyc htt…
16 December 2015 20:42
I'm noticing 2 themes Dr/patient relationships developing personal care & strategic working with system leaders. Different approach? #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:42
@RichardRecover @KarenPharm @WeDocs problem with recovery colleges is that not all patients are the same, risk of being patronising #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:42
@olliehart7 Trained to solve problems solo, in short space of time often, coproduction's a different conversation, solving together #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:42
RT @LynneBowers2: #WeDocs I do Iris! I am a Carer too https://t.co/DClSe6WkIM
16 December 2015 20:42
@WeDocs #wedocs I am creating prog for PTs with joint session to understand 2gether how get to dialogue, have 2 think of PTs like non execs
16 December 2015 20:42
@sm_partnership @helenfindlay @HelenHSAUK @WeDocs I agree you should be. You live it, we should listen, coach not tell #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:42
RT @WeDocs: view from Sheffield #coproduction #WeDocs https://t.co/OBz2teiWrR
16 December 2015 20:42
@annedraya @lizcharalambou Shoving a few people into a room a few times a year cannot lead to effective co-production anyway #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:42
#WeDocs Absolutely!! https://t.co/WwbkYgZgLU patients as partners in implementing & evaluating quality improvements https://t.co/FPFQbCLhjE
16 December 2015 20:42
RT @roz_davies: Another one for my Christmas list Santa #wedocs https://t.co/IA7poYhytJ
16 December 2015 20:42
@WeDocs @pharmerfour Yes..& everything else, results, xrays, 12 lead ECG, vital signs. Would help us to take more ownership #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:42
@Jneildwy @helenfindlay @HelenHSAUK @WeDocs @sm_partnership We've never had conflict because we're working with a common aim #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:42
@DavidGilbert43 That really should be the case anyway. The patient voice is valuable in administrative settings.. both MDs & pts #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:42
RT @Jneildwy: @sm_partnership @helenfindlay @HelenHSAUK @WeDocs I agree you should be. You live it, we should listen, coach not tell #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:42
@WeDocs #wedocs must also make the point that the value of #coproduction is not just offline. Should also be applied online!
16 December 2015 20:43
@dr_shibley Q3 what has worked and how achieved - any suggestions? #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:43
Do we need to change Doctors training? #WeDocs https://t.co/UwhHy53r62
16 December 2015 20:43
@OCDTrudy @WeDocs I like that! #WeDocs we're in this together
16 December 2015 20:43
RT @OCDTrudy: @sm_partnership @WeDocs We work as a team with staff there is no us and them #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:43
Q4 What are barriers+enablers >unleash the resources in yr local citizens/communities to improve health & wellbeing? Led @roz_davies #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:43
RT @HelenHSAUK: Some thoughts on what it is @wedocs #wedocs https://t.co/PC93RMdbpz
16 December 2015 20:43
With kindness, concern, respect, good comms, & some technical knowledge, we can move mountains!! #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:43
One of the first steps towards co-production #WeDocs https://t.co/wyOxe06Z7f
16 December 2015 20:43
@gbrgsy need more evidence then which is always difficult it costs money and takes time #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:43
@Laconic_doc @fran_ohara Best advice to patients - keep a diary. Those who can't need someone to do this for them #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:43
#WeDocs yes the person experiences a pathway across the system vs org silos https://t.co/fwrVbmbFSE
16 December 2015 20:43
This is great. So I'm assuming we'll be moving swiftly to personal health budgets? :) @wedocs #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:43
RT @Laconic_doc: With kindness, concern, respect, good comms, & some technical knowledge, we can move mountains!! #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:43
#wedocs exactly - we r calibrated to spot problems good if Dxing MI bad if trying to understand pt perspective! https://t.co/o0RrF5pnuB
16 December 2015 20:44
#WeDocs the GPS-and a Driver
16 December 2015 20:44
RT @pauljebb1: @Jneildwy @WeDocs @helenfindlay @HelenHSAUK @sm_partnership yes, need to ascertain what is expected at start #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:44
@Patient_Leader You're right-need to define purpose & aims #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:44
#WeDocs we will not bring every body into discussions anyway - we can have different styles of groups\never reachal https://t.co/Xq4D2elRx6
16 December 2015 20:44
RT @FoxHedgehog: This is great. So I'm assuming we'll be moving swiftly to personal health budgets? :) @wedocs #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:44
RT @WeDocs: Do we need to change Doctors training? #WeDocs https://t.co/UwhHy53r62
16 December 2015 20:44
@WeDocs @TinyTonyH @pharmerfour We docs should all be writing to patient with no jargon after any visit. I have always done this #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:44
RT @olliehart7: #WeDocs Q2 recognise this is a big shift in docs value system. We were trained as problem solvers. Co-P requires us redefin…
16 December 2015 20:44
RT @Jneildwy: @sm_partnership @helenfindlay @HelenHSAUK @WeDocs I agree you should be. You live it, we should listen, coach not tell #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:44
RT @gbrgsy: #WeDocs Absolutely!! https://t.co/WwbkYgZgLU patients as partners in implementing & evaluating quality improvements https://t.…
16 December 2015 20:44
RT @olliehart7: #WeDocs. Q2. from my experience it is right thing to do. It offers lasting sustainable futures. Will take all our effort to…
16 December 2015 20:44
Q4 silos, discontinuity, lack of relationship, lack of data, lack of staff/money? #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:44
@Jneildwy @helenfindlay @HelenHSAUK @WeDocs you can tell me if I ask you to! Sometimes I need that! #WeDocs not easy is it?!
16 December 2015 20:44
@sm_partnership @WeDocs Staff come to us with a problem, we do the research, then meet to decide goals, then we suggest prototypes #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:44
RT @gbrgsy: #WeDocs Absolutely!! https://t.co/WwbkYgZgLU patients as partners in implementing & evaluating quality improvements https://t.…
16 December 2015 20:44
@FoxHedgehog do you think this is a critical part? Keen hear more #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:44
.@Patient_Leader Suggest on the same gradient. Values must remain the same regardless of level or we have the same ol' disconect #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:45
@ANKHEmpress @RichardRecover @KarenPharm @WeDocs risk reduced maybe but needs to be a flexible offer! #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:45
@sm_partnership @pauljebb1 @WeDocs @helenfindlay @HelenHSAUK How do we deliver this to patients and when?#WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:45
@fran_ohara slight conflict of interest, but the event I took part in N Wales worked really well: https://t.co/ODXanj0atr #Wedocs @luckockp
16 December 2015 20:45
Absolutely and important that we actively listen to the story- not just tokenism #wedocs https://t.co/sL4tgAnSbI
16 December 2015 20:45
RT @PilgrimPip: One of the first steps towards co-production #WeDocs https://t.co/wyOxe06Z7f
16 December 2015 20:45
RT @Jneildwy: @sm_partnership @pauljebb1 @WeDocs @helenfindlay @HelenHSAUK How do we deliver this to patients and when?#WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:45
Q4 Words like being positive are used in a way that prevent positive learning & outcomes from negative experiences #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:45
RT @Laconic_doc: With kindness, concern, respect, good comms, & some technical knowledge, we can move mountains!! #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:45
RT @Jneildwy: @sm_partnership @helenfindlay @HelenHSAUK @WeDocs I agree you should be. You live it, we should listen, coach not tell #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:45
RT @annedraya: @ANKHEmpress @RichardRecover @KarenPharm @WeDocs risk reduced maybe but needs to be a flexible offer! #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:45
RT @fran_ohara: @dr_shibley Q3 what has worked and how achieved - any suggestions? #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:45
@Jneildwy @sm_partnership @helenfindlay @HelenHSAUK @WeDocs Listening to each other & being respectful of views is key-two way #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:45
RT @sm_partnership: @Jneildwy @helenfindlay @HelenHSAUK @WeDocs you can tell me if I ask you to! Sometimes I need that! #WeDocs not easy is…
16 December 2015 20:45
RT @sm_partnership: @Jneildwy @helenfindlay @HelenHSAUK @WeDocs you can tell me if I ask you to! Sometimes I need that! #WeDocs not easy is…
16 December 2015 20:45
@OCDTrudy @Jneildwy @helenfindlay @HelenHSAUK @WeDocs it's how the conflict is managed that's important #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:46
RT @sm_partnership: @OCDTrudy @Jneildwy @helenfindlay @HelenHSAUK @WeDocs it's how the conflict is managed that's important #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:46
RT @sm_partnership: @OCDTrudy @Jneildwy @helenfindlay @HelenHSAUK @WeDocs it's how the conflict is managed that's important #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:46
@irisbenson100 @olliehart7 there is some mileage in embedding #coproduction principles in course #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:46
#WeDocs thats a model that leads the way iit intends to stay. coproduction from the outset https://t.co/vTCcZkxLQQ
16 December 2015 20:46
#wedocs Q3 whats worked well? putting people at centre,doc & patient & anyone else who they wish to support them https://t.co/3WIojcZL5x
16 December 2015 20:46
RT @Laconic_doc: With kindness, concern, respect, good comms, & some technical knowledge, we can move mountains!! #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:46
RT @JohnCampaign: @Laconic_doc @fran_ohara Best advice to patients - keep a diary. Those who can't need someone to do this for them #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:46
@Laconic_doc very true - and nothing meaningful for pt engagement can happen if any one of those is not in place #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:46
RT @Laconic_doc: Q4 silos, discontinuity, lack of relationship, lack of data, lack of staff/money? #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:46
RT @PilgrimPip: One of the first steps towards co-production #WeDocs https://t.co/wyOxe06Z7f
16 December 2015 20:46
@BPDFFS #wedocs getting there; recent feasibility trials & ongoing RCTs of coproduced/codesigned interventions. Evidence framed 4 clinicians
16 December 2015 20:46
RT @DavidGilbert43: Which is why patients need real (executive) power in orgs #WeDocs otherwise window dressing https://t.co/8zFgJDEYyc htt…
16 December 2015 20:46
Those have to work together:good dr/pt relationship plus strategic/leadership crucial for #coproduction #WeDocs https://t.co/qwb58ogVUy
16 December 2015 20:46
RT @Jneildwy: @sm_partnership @pauljebb1 @WeDocs @helenfindlay @HelenHSAUK How do we deliver this to patients and when?#WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:46
@OCDTrudy @WeDocs explain prototypes please not sure I understand #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:46
RT @roz_davies: @WeDocs #wedocs must also make the point that the value of #coproduction is not just offline. Should also be applied online!
16 December 2015 20:46
@ANKHEmpress @annedraya @RichardRecover @WeDocs hopefully reduced & with constant feedback, adapt / amend content to help overcome? #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:46
RT @gbrgsy: #WeDocs Absolutely!! https://t.co/WwbkYgZgLU patients as partners in implementing & evaluating quality improvements https://t.…
16 December 2015 20:46
@Laconic_doc do you really believe these are barriers or are the fundamental issue cultural/power based/fear? #wedocs q4
16 December 2015 20:46
@ksspsc @fran_ohara @WeDocs Recruit for skills & experience so person becomes embedded in strategic view #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:46
Q4 when LTCs cross agencies (eg mental/physical; health/social; 1°/2°, &c) it gets *really* complex!! #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:47
@WeDocs @roz_davies i'd like to see more of a steer from health and wellbeing boards promoting wellbeing s.1 Care Act 2014 #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:47
RT @gbrgsy: #WeDocs Absolutely!! https://t.co/WwbkYgZgLU patients as partners in implementing & evaluating quality improvements https://t.…
16 December 2015 20:47
@helenfindlay @HelenHSAUK @WeDocs @sm_partnership I am sorry about that, current training too hospital bed focussed. Paternalistic #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:47
Hi @roz_davies what is the best real example of co-production you're aware of and is it repeatable #Wedocs
16 December 2015 20:47
Agree #WeDocs https://t.co/RcjKUiqbWM
16 December 2015 20:47
RT @WeDocs: Do we need to change Doctors training? #WeDocs https://t.co/UwhHy53r62
16 December 2015 20:47
@roz_davies @WeDocs definitely, social media offers such incredible opportunities for networking, breaks down barriers #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:47
@WeDocs @roz_davies we need more #patientleaders they enable they give voice also need to listen better to people who have no voice #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:47
@WeDocs @roz_davies @RecoverySheff #WeDocs really agree putting co production and our patients and carers at the heart of everything we do
16 December 2015 20:47
#WeDocs does strict adherence to guidelines eg NICE prejudice negotiation and agreeing a shared approach?
16 December 2015 20:47
#WeDocs I can be partner 1) in own care as a supported self manager. 2) with other Pts in peer support, 3) in strategy 4) in co design
16 December 2015 20:47
A fair and good challenge here #wedocs https://t.co/ymTQJHoc9B
16 December 2015 20:47
RT @PilgrimPip: One of the first steps towards co-production #WeDocs https://t.co/wyOxe06Z7f
16 December 2015 20:47
#WeDocs 'Patients as Partners' currently chatting very very chatty https://t.co/l6t2ZCAiYL
16 December 2015 20:47
RT @Laconic_doc: With kindness, concern, respect, good comms, & some technical knowledge, we can move mountains!! #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:47
RT @Laconic_doc: With kindness, concern, respect, good comms, & some technical knowledge, we can move mountains!! #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:48
Just my starter for 10! RT @roz_davies: @Laconic_doc do you really believe these are barriers or cultural/power based/fear? #wedocs q4
16 December 2015 20:48
#WeDocs totally because we all have different functioning style, so types of inclusion events cover a broader base https://t.co/mod27jDF3M
16 December 2015 20:48
@Jneildwy @pauljebb1 @WeDocs @helenfindlay @HelenHSAUK who delivers it to patients? How abt other pts ? Ask @GleefulKaz #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:48
@Anna__Ludvigsen @olliehart7 use your nurses as a resource in making the shift- this is how we are trained! #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:48
@WeDocs It was slightly in jest and the evidence of benefit is mixed. But a key test of medics willingness to give power away. #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:48
RT @GleefulKaz: #WeDocs I can be partner 1) in own care as a supported self manager. 2) with other Pts in peer support, 3) in strategy 4) i…
16 December 2015 20:48
RT @roz_davies: A fair and good challenge here #wedocs https://t.co/ymTQJHoc9B
16 December 2015 20:48
RT @gbrgsy: #WeDocs Absolutely!! https://t.co/WwbkYgZgLU patients as partners in implementing & evaluating quality improvements https://t.…
16 December 2015 20:48
@gbrgsy Maybe some evidence of benefits of co-production here?https://t.co/sk2vkSR3rs #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:48
@helenfindlay @HelenHSAUK @WeDocs @sm_partnership Send trainee to support group outside hospital.Humbling,reverse power relationship #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:49
@Imonlyslightly @annedraya @lizcharalambou no that's more likely to be tokenism ????? #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:49
@gbrgsy I would be interested in seeing that it's really important work #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:49
@griffglen I think @amirhannan and @ingridbrindle have #coproduction running thru the bloodstream of what they do! #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:49
#patientleaders #coproduction #WeDocs https://t.co/kYFEbc7yjR
16 December 2015 20:49
@Jneildwy I congratulate you & "writing to patient with no jargon after any visit" @WeDocs @pharmerfour #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:49
RT @GleefulKaz: #WeDocs I can be partner 1) in own care as a supported self manager. 2) with other Pts in peer support, 3) in strategy 4) i…
16 December 2015 20:49
RT @irisbenson100: @WeDocs @roz_davies @RecoverySheff #WeDocs really agree putting co production and our patients and carers at the heart o…
16 December 2015 20:49
RT @irisbenson100: @WeDocs @roz_davies @RecoverySheff #WeDocs really agree putting co production and our patients and carers at the heart o…
16 December 2015 20:49
Love what you are saying but please use #wedocs or only @wedocs ( aka @AlysColeKing & @OlwenOlwen ) can see! #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:49
@fran_ohara I don't really want to be 'put' anywhere just be an equal member taking valued part in shared conversation #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:49
Finally back from my hospital appointment so I can catch up on the #wedocs chat!
16 December 2015 20:49
@Jneildwy @helenfindlay @HelenHSAUK @WeDocs is that because seen as easier to be paternalistic? Hopefully they'll do as I say! #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:49
#wedocs & funders now look to fund coproduction/codesign as key 2 successful implementation https://t.co/zcckf7wWrf https://t.co/SHYLGEzigY
16 December 2015 20:49
RT @gbrgsy: @BPDFFS #wedocs getting there; recent feasibility trials & ongoing RCTs of coproduced/codesigned interventions. Evidence framed…
16 December 2015 20:49
Happy chatty pts suggest coproduction happening! MT @WeDocs: #WeDocs 'Pts as Partners' currently chatting very very chatty
16 December 2015 20:49
RT @TinyTonyH: @Jneildwy I congratulate you & "writing to patient with no jargon after any visit" @WeDocs @pharmerfour #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:50
RT @roz_davies: @WeDocs #wedocs must also make the point that the value of #coproduction is not just offline. Should also be applied online!
16 December 2015 20:50
RT @gbrgsy: #wedocs & funders now look to fund coproduction/codesign as key 2 successful implementation https://t.co/zcckf7wWrf https://t.c…
16 December 2015 20:50
RT @roz_davies: @Laconic_doc do you really believe these are barriers or are the fundamental issue cultural/power based/fear? #wedocs q4
16 December 2015 20:50
RT @WeDocs: #patientleaders #coproduction #WeDocs https://t.co/kYFEbc7yjR
16 December 2015 20:50
@Chris5anne good point, bad language choice, inviting people to be part of a conversation #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:50
Exactly.... #WeDocs https://t.co/OhBOO3ZA7Z
16 December 2015 20:50
@WeDocs Yes! More emphasis & time on comms training - it's a skill & can be learnt - so imp in relationships w other HCPs & patients #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:50
@sm_partnership @WeDocs We come up with workable suggestions for ways to resolve the issue after doing our research. #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:50
RT @TinyTonyH: @pharmerfour @WeDocs "most effective way to empower patients"? Write your notes to the patient for the patient #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:51
RT @annedraya: @Anna__Ludvigsen @olliehart7 use your nurses as a resource in making the shift- this is how we are trained! #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:51
@Laconic_doc @WeDocs Twitter is a fantastic example of coproduction in action #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:51
RT @Laconic_doc: With kindness, concern, respect, good comms, & some technical knowledge, we can move mountains!! #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:51
@fran_ohara It's used frequently I would just question what do we really mean? #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:51
#WeDocs Q3 what works well? Active listening,mutual respect,trusting relationship!
16 December 2015 20:51
& a model process perhaps designed with non-health professionals to create spaces for people to have a voice #wedocs https://t.co/d3tHNGEcgX
16 December 2015 20:51
Q5. Great chat! Lets finish on a high note! How can we overcome the barriers + some ‘top tips’ to take away and implement tomorrow #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:51
@Jneildwy @helenfindlay @HelenHSAUK @WeDocs I have trained many docs/nurses..not all like it! Definitely power shift #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:51
RT @PilgrimPip: @gbrgsy Maybe some evidence of benefits of co-production here?https://t.co/sk2vkSR3rs #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:51
@maddogmcardle We interview both staff and SUs and views of both are taken into account #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:51
@WeDocs @BPDFFS @roz_davies I'm vocal on behalf of bereaved parents who feel they have no voice #WeDocs #patientleaders #HugosLegacy
16 December 2015 20:51
RT @annedraya: @Laconic_doc @WeDocs Twitter is a fantastic example of coproduction in action #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:52
@griffglen also I notice @RNeilABlack is tweeting on #WeDocs he has done some brilliant work here as has @AlexYLDiabetes
16 December 2015 20:52
I imagine it's diff as pt to be involved with coproduction if anxious/frightened/shy - many pts are one or more of these... #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:52
#wedocs different views must always be heard everyone matters so the broader the base of inclusion the better https://t.co/fqX3nFeRtB
16 December 2015 20:52
@WeDocs SoMe can create community HCP and patients. Conversations develop then as trust develops, partnership starts. Early days.#WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:52
Why not send the consultant? #WeDocs https://t.co/xIsOdMzX4b
16 December 2015 20:52
RT @fran_ohara: & a model process perhaps designed with non-health professionals to create spaces for people to have a voice #wedocs https:…
16 December 2015 20:52
RT @DavidGilbert43: Which is why patients need real (executive) power in orgs #WeDocs otherwise window dressing https://t.co/8zFgJDEYyc htt…
16 December 2015 20:52
RT @leighakendall: @WeDocs @BPDFFS @roz_davies I'm vocal on behalf of bereaved parents who feel they have no voice #WeDocs #patientleaders …
16 December 2015 20:52
@GleefulKaz #wedocs that's excellent and we owe it to PTs to support development to enable that
16 December 2015 20:52
RT @WeDocs: Agree #WeDocs https://t.co/RcjKUiqbWM
16 December 2015 20:52
RT @leighakendall: @WeDocs @BPDFFS @roz_davies I'm vocal on behalf of bereaved parents who feel they have no voice #WeDocs #patientleaders …
16 December 2015 20:52
@WeDocs great comments everyone! For us co-production with CYP = working with as opposed for, reinforcing the concept of co-creators #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:53
@FoxHedgehog @WeDocs power shift can be difficult???#WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:53
Y & people to have right tools to communicate well, we see this actually happening https://t.co/nHeQ1vnVDO #wedocs https://t.co/gw93zFPhHF
16 December 2015 20:53
@OCDTrudy @WeDocs so it's what I call problem solving? Who decides it's a workable solution? #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:53
RT @Jneildwy: @sm_partnership @helenfindlay @HelenHSAUK @WeDocs I agree you should be. You live it, we should listen, coach not tell #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:53
RT @Jneildwy: We encourage in paediatric care, even parents in local anaesthetic operations. Very positive#WeDocs https://t.co/HbeRGXfmq7
16 December 2015 20:53
@helenfindlay @WeDocs comms skills - eg active listening crucial, helps build trust, rapport, understanding between pt/HCP #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:53
#wedocs yes! But only if nurses/MDT viewed with parity of esteem as well! Suggest combined training when poss https://t.co/4CvpZPsIDr
16 December 2015 20:53
RT @WeDocs: #patientleaders #coproduction #WeDocs https://t.co/kYFEbc7yjR
16 December 2015 20:53
@WeDocs Get the backing of the trust and use #EBCD Experience Based Co-Design working together as a team. No them & us #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:53
@sm_partnership @helenfindlay @HelenHSAUK @WeDocs A lot is fear. Fear of getting it wrong, of exposing lack knowledge, failing. #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:53
See https://t.co/h3R2M2EEt5 and https://t.co/r20WAM606I for two examples #WeDocs https://t.co/GqDdtGnscJ
16 December 2015 20:53
@nxtstop1 #EINpower #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:53
@irisbenson100 @WeDocs @roz_davies @RecoverySheff 1/ not just spectators in Care..#wedocs
16 December 2015 20:54
RT @nxtstop1: T1 Maybe,but if so must b addressed/removed. MDs have more training, patients know themselves. On same side! #wedocs https://…
16 December 2015 20:54
@Laconic_doc yep. Anxiety can be a huge barrier. I think it would help if patients were explicitly invited- raise the subject! #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:54
Q5 as a doc, imagine the pt as your mum/sister/daughter etc - how would they want to be approached/involved? #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:54
Longing for an event that brings HCP & Patients together to showcase what's already happening & build new working relationships ?? #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:54
RT @TinyTonyH: @Jneildwy I congratulate you & "writing to patient with no jargon after any visit" @WeDocs @pharmerfour #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:54
RT @Laconic_doc: Happy chatty pts suggest coproduction happening! MT @WeDocs: #WeDocs 'Pts as Partners' currently chatting very very chat…
16 December 2015 20:54
RT @Laconic_doc: Happy chatty pts suggest coproduction happening! MT @WeDocs: #WeDocs 'Pts as Partners' currently chatting very very chat…
16 December 2015 20:54
#wedocs @RichardRecover Absolutely agree as every can be an 'active' patient at some point
16 December 2015 20:54
RT @PilgrimPip: @gbrgsy Maybe some evidence of benefits of co-production here?https://t.co/sk2vkSR3rs #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:54
@Jneildwy @HelenHSAUK @WeDocs @sm_partnership And involve patients in training of HCPs - don't be frightened to ask them! #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:54
#WeDocs q4. Measures that capture successful person centred care help- PAM, Collaborate, CARE etc- measurement implies value
16 December 2015 20:54
@TinyTonyH @pharmerfour would you be concerned re: info via mail or prefer e-mail #security #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:54
@Laconic_doc yes being in a room of HCPs, esp if we're all talking fluent NHS can be intimidating, need to be mindful of mindset #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:54
@irisbenson100 @WeDocs @roz_davies @RecoverySheff 2/ patients will take & make decisions 2 influence fellow citizens #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:54
@Laconic_doc it's difficult but not impossible to lift barriers with thought, time and effort. #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:54
#wedocs im recovering because the four of us worked as a team. We all listened. We all set boundaries. we were all respectful
16 December 2015 20:54
RT @RichardRecover: #wedocs different views must always be heard everyone matters so the broader the base of inclusion the better https://…
16 December 2015 20:54
RT @WeDocs: How do we prevent this? @irisbenson100 can tell us how she did #WeDocs https://t.co/E6HpfdCGkh
16 December 2015 20:54
RT @RichardRecover: #wedocs im recovering because the four of us worked as a team. We all listened. We all set boundaries. we were all resp…
16 December 2015 20:54
RT @OCDTrudy: @WeDocs Get the backing of the trust and use #EBCD Experience Based Co-Design working together as a team. No them & us #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:54
Q5 Involve non-health people - commissioning process needs to change, make easier to work with right people #wedocs https://t.co/Mg68YunWDO
16 December 2015 20:55
RT @OCDTrudy: @WeDocs Get the backing of the trust and use #EBCD Experience Based Co-Design working together as a team. No them & us #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:55
@WeDocs Check organisation for where patient/ carer voice is heard from board to on the ground #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:55
@gbrgsy #WeDocs Absolutely the way forward but takes time & resource to do properly. All too often pt involvement seen as 'tick box' ex.
16 December 2015 20:55
Lots of great examples to learn from! #adopt&spread #wedocs https://t.co/WxNDb5aeex
16 December 2015 20:55
Fantastic comment #wedocs need support https://t.co/Wz1re3ZkaV
16 December 2015 20:55
@Patient_Leader we did this in co-creating health...a project ahead of its time! #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:55
@helenfindlay @Jneildwy @HelenHSAUK @WeDocs @sm_partnership yes it can be enlightening for both sides #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:55
RT @Jneildwy: We encourage in paediatric care, even parents in local anaesthetic operations. Very positive#WeDocs https://t.co/HbeRGXfmq7
16 December 2015 20:55
@sm_partnership @WeDocs It's like designing in industry, we come up with a workable model that can be tested Joint decision #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:55
@gbrgsy thank you for the links #wedocs : )
16 December 2015 20:56
#WeDocs phew only 5 minutes left - certainly some brilliant #coproduction conversations going on.
16 December 2015 20:56
.@WeDocs It about who does the talking and who does the listening. #coproduction from the clinic, bedside, boardroom , etc. #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:56
Really interesting reading the #WeDocs chat tonight @WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:56
Yes need to learn from each other #WeDocs https://t.co/GJbXSaOXBi
16 December 2015 20:56
RT @maddogmcardle: Lots of great examples to learn from! #adopt&spread #wedocs https://t.co/WxNDb5aeex
16 December 2015 20:56
RT @gbrgsy: See https://t.co/h3R2M2EEt5 and https://t.co/r20WAM606I for two examples #WeDocs https://t.co/GqDdtGnscJ
16 December 2015 20:56
Listening, respect, boundaries, working together all essential to co-production #wedocs https://t.co/iwKbh3dcaL
16 December 2015 20:56
We work with many LHB to do, it can be done, you need people with budget to be up for trying it #wedocs https://t.co/vrBKQaEyzJ
16 December 2015 20:56
@WeDocs What meetings, events are planned re patients/carers - are they invited too? If not why not? #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:56
RT @fran_ohara: Y & people to have right tools to communicate well, we see this actually happening https://t.co/nHeQ1vnVDO #wedocs https://…
16 December 2015 20:56
@sm_partnership @helenfindlay @HelenHSAUK @WeDocs Requires a level of self confidence and social maturity that many do not have..yet #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:56
Laughter is a great tool for breaking down barriers... MT @WeGPNs: patients will take & make decisions 2 influence fellow citizens #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:56
RT @olliehart7: #WeDocs q4. Measures that capture successful person centred care help- PAM, Collaborate, CARE etc- measurement implies value
16 December 2015 20:56
RT @Anna__Ludvigsen: #wedocs yes! But only if nurses/MDT viewed with parity of esteem as well! Suggest combined training when poss https://…
16 December 2015 20:57
RT @ANKHEmpress: #wedocs @RichardRecover Absolutely agree as every can be an 'active' patient at some point
16 December 2015 20:57
RT @roz_davies: @griffglen I think @amirhannan and @ingridbrindle have #coproduction running thru the bloodstream of what they do! #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:57
RT @OCDTrudy: @WeDocs Get the backing of the trust and use #EBCD Experience Based Co-Design working together as a team. No them & us #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:57
Yes 'stop 'them & us' culture #WeDocs https://t.co/F4EM0a4HaF
16 December 2015 20:57
@WeDocs #wedocs Q5. Work with ppl/organisations who already have relationships of trust with ppl/communities
16 December 2015 20:57
@WeDocs @olliehart7 #wedocs it shld be in training, as pers exp as carer my recent exp felt like was behind 6" glass, no one heard me
16 December 2015 20:57
Bottom line: A patient-centred NHS without patients as partners running it is akin to a women-centred organisation run by men. #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:57
RT @PilgrimPip: Listening, respect, boundaries, working together all essential to co-production #wedocs https://t.co/iwKbh3dcaL
16 December 2015 20:57
RT @KathEvans2: @HelenHSAUK @WeDocs ladders or wheels fab blog by @SpcialNdsJungle https://t.co/C8P0VTeZgq #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:57
#WeDocs co-production is a mindset / attitude
16 December 2015 20:57
RT @RichardRecover: #wedocs different views must always be heard everyone matters so the broader the base of inclusion the better https://…
16 December 2015 20:57
RT @PilgrimPip: Listening, respect, boundaries, working together all essential to co-production #wedocs https://t.co/iwKbh3dcaL
16 December 2015 20:57
@WeDocs @irisbenson100 raises important point- to co-produce you need 2 sides! But many are being left without any support in MH #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:57
@WeDocs @pharmerfour e-mail, upload direct to my own health data record. Having transparency more important to me than #security #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:57
@sm_partnership @WeDocs We do extensive research with both staff & SUs so are aware of what is & isn't possible. Need 2 b realistic #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:57
RT @Laconic_doc: With kindness, concern, respect, good comms, & some technical knowledge, we can move mountains!! #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:57
RT @Chris5anne: @WeDocs What meetings, events are planned re patients/carers - are they invited too? If not why not? #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:57
#WeDocs Q5- patient voice most powerful- make effort to hear all - loud and quiet- in both planning and direct care.
16 December 2015 20:57
@BinitaKane #WeDocs in our experience once done well once then leads to wider adoption, bottom up rather than top down and locally led
16 December 2015 20:58
RT @OlwenOlwen: #coproduction #WeDocs Patients as Partners Olwen here from N Wales https://t.co/OG5nsX3oav
16 December 2015 20:58
Vital provide the correct support + coaching to ptients - do Drs need support & coaching too? #WeDocs https://t.co/Wz1re3ZkaV
16 December 2015 20:58
@WeDocs #wedocs Q5 Treat all people with equal respect and act with thoughtful purpose
16 December 2015 20:58
RT @roz_davies: @WeDocs #wedocs must also make the point that the value of #coproduction is not just offline. Should also be applied online!
16 December 2015 20:58
@Anna__Ludvigsen @annedraya @olliehart7 fair point! Intetprofessional education could be answer towards #coproduction,power shift #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:58
RT @WeDocs: Yes 'stop 'them & us' culture #WeDocs https://t.co/F4EM0a4HaF
16 December 2015 20:58
@fran_ohara @Patient_Leader I've gained so much from #coproduction meet ups #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:58
@Patient_Leader I spoke at an RSM event in October - patients as new educators re working with docs - happens in pockets #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:58
RT @RichardRecover: #wedocs im recovering because the four of us worked as a team. We all listened. We all set boundaries. we were all resp…
16 December 2015 20:58
RT @PilgrimPip: One of the first steps towards co-production #WeDocs https://t.co/wyOxe06Z7f
16 December 2015 20:58
RT @fran_ohara: Q5 Involve non-health people - commissioning process needs to change, make easier to work with right people #wedocs https:/…
16 December 2015 20:58
Need more listening & less talking! MT @madeofbeauty: .@WeDocs It about who does the talking and who does the listening. #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:58
RT @olliehart7: #WeDocs Q2 recognise this is a big shift in docs value system. We were trained as problem solvers. Co-P requires us redefin…
16 December 2015 20:58
@WeDocs @BPDFFS @roz_davies a good example of a patient leader is @RenzaS #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:58
RT @PilgrimPip: Listening, respect, boundaries, working together all essential to co-production #wedocs https://t.co/iwKbh3dcaL
16 December 2015 20:58
@OCDTrudy @sm_partnership @WeDocs Y use bus approach to create space, communicate well & invite right people #wedocs https://t.co/U3EPiSTCjB
16 December 2015 20:58
@Jneildwy @helenfindlay @HelenHSAUK @WeDocs @sm_partnership To have best life possible; not just control disease- needs partnership #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:58
#wedocs its about doing the same from the top down, https://t.co/sR95Pj1AWL
16 December 2015 20:58
@DavidGilbert43 Thank you: my favourite tweet of the night! #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:58
#wedocs @BinitaKane @gbrgsy sometimes it is about reordering and recreating more efficiently with the resources we have?
16 December 2015 20:58
@Laconic_doc @TinyTonyH yes elicit their agenda! If they're unsure support them to do this-and don't forget your own agenda #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:58
RT @leighakendall: @helenfindlay @Jneildwy @HelenHSAUK @WeDocs @sm_partnership yes it can be enlightening for both sides #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:58
Indeed they do; but will they admit it? #wedocs https://t.co/sI8BFn4TY2
16 December 2015 20:59
RT @HelenHSAUK: Some thoughts on what it is @wedocs #wedocs https://t.co/PC93RMdbpz
16 December 2015 20:59
Has anyone done any pt co production on safety? Any other PSCs on here? #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:59
£Millions invested in clinical and managerial leadership. Zilch for patient leadership. #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:59
@WeDocs #wedocs Q5. Most importantly ensure all people feel valued and listened too.
16 December 2015 20:59
#WeDocs q5- reorganise system- using IT and proactive planning to allow true priorities of patients to be prioritised and solutions co-P
16 December 2015 20:59
RT @roz_davies: @WeDocs #wedocs Q5 Treat all people with equal respect and act with thoughtful purpose
16 December 2015 20:59
RT @fran_ohara: We work with many LHB to do, it can be done, you need people with budget to be up for trying it #wedocs https://t.co/vrBKQa…
16 December 2015 20:59
RT @leighakendall: @WeDocs @BPDFFS @roz_davies I'm vocal on behalf of bereaved parents who feel they have no voice #WeDocs #patientleaders …
16 December 2015 20:59
RT @WeDocs: Yes 'stop 'them & us' culture #WeDocs https://t.co/F4EM0a4HaF
16 December 2015 20:59
@Chris5anne patients ,partners, carers all welcome #coproduction changes perspective & dynamic #humbling #WeDocs
16 December 2015 20:59
Always asking 'how can I help' aiming to serve the pt while respecting boundaries (pofess/personal/ethical) #wedocs https://t.co/r1OA1GJs2I
16 December 2015 20:59
Trust, honesty and respect - from there anything is possible #wedocs
16 December 2015 20:59
RT @fran_ohara: @OCDTrudy @sm_partnership @WeDocs Y use bus approach to create space, communicate well & invite right people #wedocs https:…
16 December 2015 20:59
@WeDocs co-production useful were there is little know about a rare condition i.e. MND, working together, learning together #WeDocs


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