#WeStNs - Wednesday 23rd June 2021 8pm (GMT Standard Time) Nursing Patients With Multiple Health Needs

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Hosted by WeStudentNurse using #WeStNs

The number of patients with more than one long-term health condition (often referred to as multimorbidity) is on the increase worldwide (The Academy of Medical Sciences, 2018).Whilst being almost universal in older populations (NICE, 2018) it is also increasing in younger populations (The Academy of Medical Sciences, 2018). 

A number of issues come with have multiple long-term conditions. Patients are more likely to experience lower quality of life, premature death, have higher need fo rhealthcare services, and have increased chances of disability and mental health problems (The Richmond Group of Charities, 2018; NICE, 2018; The Academy of Medical Sciences, 2018). They are likely to experience poorer medicine management and polypharmacy (The Richmond Group of Charities, 2018). They are also more prone to developing further health problems (WHO, 2016; NICE, 2018).Safety incidents, including adverse drug effects, are also more common for these patients (NICE, 2018; WHO, 2019). Multiple health conditions are also more prevalent in areas of lower socio-economic status, especially with younger patients, and where mental health conditions exist (The Richmond Group of Charities, 2018. Bramley and Moody, 2016).

Despite this health services, especially in secondary care, are often focussed on specific illnesses or groups of illness (Navickas et al, 2016), and guidelines are written with this in mind (WHO, 2019. NICE, 2009). This means that patients are likely to be under multiple health teams who may not always understand the complexity of their health needs. Patients express that they often feel that communication is poor between these teams, and that different teams may have differing opinions on how a patient should be treated (Navickas et al, 2016).It may also be important for patients that their care looks at their own preferences and needs (Ryley,2019), involves education, and involves their families as appropriate(Kulpers, Nieboer and Cramm, 2021)


Focused themes include:

  1. What do you think are the primary care needs of patients with multiple health conditions?
  2. What sort of barriers do you think patients with multiple health needs may face when seeking care?
  3. How do you think co-ordination of care between different specialties can be managed differently when it comes to patients with multiple health needs?
  4. How do you think we can make sure that patients are have their voices heard and can make their own decisions there are many health professionals involved?
  5. Have you seen any demonstrations of good practice when caring for patients with multiple health conditions?
  6. How do you think care for patients with multiple health conditions can be improved in secondary care?

Further Reading:

The Academy of Medical Health Sciences (2018)‘Multimorbidity: A Priority for Global Health Research’ available at https://acmedsci.ac.uk/file-download/82222577

Kuipers, S.J; Nieboaer, A.P; and Cramm, J.M(2021) ‘Making Care More Patient Centred; Experiences of HealthcareProfessionals and Patients With Multimorbidity in Primary Care Setting’ BMCFamily Practice, 22 (70) DOI 10.1186/s12875-021-01420-0

Navickas, R., Petric, V., Feigl, A.B. and Seychell, M. (2016) 'Multimorbidity:What do we know? What should we do?', Journal of Comorbidity, 6(1), pp. 4-11.

NICE(2018) Multimorbidity |CKS. Available at: https://cks.nice.org.uk/topics/multimorbidity/ 

NICE(2009) Medicines adherence:involving patients in decisions about prescribed medicines and supportingadherence [CG76]. Available at: https://www.nice.org.uk/guidance/CG76 

TheRichmond Group of Charities (2018) ‘Multimorbidity: Understanding theChallenge’ available at: https://richmondgroupofcharities.org.uk/sites/default/files/multimorbidity_-_understanding_the_challenge.pdf

Ryley,K. (2019) ‘Living with multipleconditions: Health and Care services can’t make me “better”, but they can bebetter for people like me?’ Available at: https://richmondgroupofcharities.org.uk/news/living-multiple-conditions-health-and-care-services-can%E2%80%99t-make-me-%E2%80%9Cbetter%E2%80%9D-they-can-be-better

WHO (2019) Medication Safety inPolypharmacy. Available at: https://apps.who.int/iris/handle/10665/325454 

WHO(2016) Multimorbidity: Technical Series on Safer Primary Care. Avaliable at https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/252275/9789241511650-eng.pdf?sequence=1

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 #WeStNs transcript

23 June 2021 20:00
Welcome to tonight's tweetchat on 'Caring for Patients with Multiple Longterm Conditions'. Say hi and introduce yourself in comments, and don't forget to tag your reply #WeStNs https://t.co/vOELCkWz7N
23 June 2021 20:01
@WeStudentNurse Hello ??. I’m Sam. Year 1 LD Student. Tonight I’m aiming to remember the #WeStNs hashtag in my replies, because I always forget.
23 June 2021 20:02
Remember your @nmcnews social media guidance when taking part in tonight's chat #WeStNs https://t.co/cylnvmvUbw
23 June 2021 20:02
@WeStudentNurse Hi! I'm Lucy. I'm a 3rd year adult nurse and a patient with multiple conditions- it's why I came into nursing #WeStNs
23 June 2021 20:03
And don't forget to tag your posts #WeStNs https://t.co/tL7m4gBbwJ
23 June 2021 20:04
@scPALMERNASH Welcome Sam! We'll be watching ??! Do you find many of your patients have multiple health conditions? #WeStNs
23 June 2021 20:05
Question 1: #WeStNs https://t.co/rV0kq7UJLN
23 June 2021 20:07
RT @WeStudentNurse: Question 1: #WeStNs https://t.co/rV0kq7UJLN
23 June 2021 20:07
RT @WeStudentNurse: Question 1: #WeStNs https://t.co/rV0kq7UJLN
23 June 2021 20:09
@JoJo_RosaStN Hi Joanna! Thanks for going us tonight #WeStNs
23 June 2021 20:09
@WeStudentNurse Right limited experience here. But. I think for the patient the primary need will be the health issue having the biggest impact on them. Whether it’s pain, mobility, quality of life. Personal to them. 1/2 #WeStNs
23 June 2021 20:10
@WeStudentNurse For those treating them, it will be the most clinically risky issue. I would hope however; that we are looking after the “whole person” and how their conditions effects them not only physically, but mentally too 2/2 #WeStNs
23 June 2021 20:12
@WeStudentNurse I’ve not been out on placement for long however, it’s looking that way so far ! #WeStNs
23 June 2021 20:13
Question 2 #WeStNs https://t.co/3xBcIpq7H2
23 June 2021 20:13
@scPALMERNASH Great person-centred thinking. It can be easy for a patient to be 'lost' within their various diagnosis' and we have to remember that they are more than a collection of illnesses #WeStNs
23 June 2021 20:13
@WeStudentNurse I would say we should ask patients what they feel there primary care needs are for a true person centered approach. Listening is a key skill here #WeStns
23 June 2021 20:14
@TuckwoodBethany @scPALMERNASH How do you think that co-ordination might work? #WeStNs
23 June 2021 20:17
@Helenski17 So true. Often patients with multiple health conditions say communication isn't great, and that they would like their preferences to be heard. How do you think we can improve that? #WeStNs
23 June 2021 20:17
@WeStudentNurse Sometimes a break down in communication between the MDT can be a barrier when there are multiple teams involved #WeStns
23 June 2021 20:18
@WeStudentNurse Motivation. Conflicting priorities. Meeting thresholds for referrals. Practicalities of seeking care and attending appointments. Health literacy issues. Fear. Time limited consultations. I am sure there are loads. #WeStNs
23 June 2021 20:18
@WeStudentNurse Hey I’m Zoe 1st year mental health student and I also have multiple long term conditions so this is going to be very interesting for me #WeStNs
23 June 2021 20:18
RT @WeStudentNurse: Question 2 #WeStNs https://t.co/3xBcIpq7H2
23 June 2021 20:19
@WeStudentNurse Hey! I’m Nadene a 2nd year adult nursing student and I have a few LTCs myself #WeStNs
23 June 2021 20:19
@WeStudentNurse It depends on the complexity of the multiple health conditions as the issues will vary. But it is important to be person centred and ask them what they need to achieve a good quality of life #westns
23 June 2021 20:20
Why do you think there might be a breakdown in communication between the different teams working with a patient with multiple health needs? #WeStNs https://twitter.com/Helenski17/status/1407779959708524550
23 June 2021 20:20
@WeStudentNurse For health care professionals to take the time to listen to the patient and understand their conditions / how they affect them and their day to day life. Empathy means so much #WeStNs
23 June 2021 20:20
@Helenski17 Why do you think this happens? #WeStNs
23 June 2021 20:20
@MerielChudleigh @WeStudentNurse @TuckwoodBethany Was only discussing this with another student nurse this afternoon. #WeStNs
23 June 2021 20:21
Question 3. Don't forget that tag! #WeStNs https://t.co/LRR9FxKQhs
23 June 2021 20:21
@WeStudentNurse Patients feeling like they’re not being heard as there could be multiple teams involved so getting needs actioned may be a struggle? #WeStNs
23 June 2021 20:21
@WeStudentNurse Being disregarded because it’s ‘chronic’. Patient’s deserve the care they need and often leave things very late because they don’t want to he a nuisance #WeStNs
23 June 2021 20:21
#WeStns https://twitter.com/MerielChudleigh/status/1407780408754855943
23 June 2021 20:21
@WeStudentNurse To be involved in the care being delivered and understand what that care looks like from each service. A health system that’s easy to navigate, ease of access without repeated info gathering #WeStNs
23 June 2021 20:21
@WeStudentNurse Maybe Include it in our admission paperwork, asking patients at the beginning of every shift as sometimes it might change. Ensuring change includes service user input #WeStns
23 June 2021 20:22
RT @WeStudentNurse: Question 1: #WeStNs https://t.co/rV0kq7UJLN
23 June 2021 20:22
Great list. Had others thought about these? How do you think we can break these barriers down? #WeStNs https://twitter.com/scPALMERNASH/status/1407780103220776960
23 June 2021 20:22
@WeStudentNurse A lot of working within the MDT and making sure everyone working in the team understands each professionals POV so they can work collaboratively to support patients and give the best possible care to that patient #WeStNs
23 June 2021 20:23
@WeStudentNurse 1 barrier Pts w/ multiple health issues face when seeking care is not having present symptoms weighed in context of their entire Health & Tx Hx. Too often Drs/providers isolate Sx or rely on summaries which miss data & Pt sent down wrong track. #WeStNs https://twitter.com/WeStudentNurse/status/1407778734539624449?s=19
23 June 2021 20:23
@WeStudentNurse As someone with a number of underlying conditions I have always thought it would be worth trialing including patients in MDT meetings #WeStns
23 June 2021 20:23
@BNUZOE He Zoe! Thanks for joining us. Do you think your health needs are met as a patient with multiple health needs? #WeStNs
23 June 2021 20:24
@WeStudentNurse It would be good to have a specific role within health care, that manages just that. So that the patient does not become ‘lost’ in the system. Somebody with some authority; they are answerable to. #WeStNs
23 June 2021 20:24
@nadenegchandler Hi Nadene! How do you find having multiple LTCs impacts you? #WeStNs
23 June 2021 20:24
RT @WeStudentNurse: Question 3. Don't forget that tag! #WeStNs https://t.co/LRR9FxKQhs
23 June 2021 20:25
@WeStudentNurse @Helenski17 #weStns Scare resources & overburdened staff become defensive about what work they can/ will take on Misconceptions about roles, also unconscious bias, it took me a while to realise how I assumed a social worker would be- I was wrong & I learned so much more when I put that aside
23 June 2021 20:25
@WeStudentNurse Even remembering the #WeStNs hashtag !!!
23 June 2021 20:25
@Helenski17 Yes! We often forget that patients can be real experts in their own conditions #WeStNs
23 June 2021 20:26
@WeStudentNurse So many ways it’s impossible to list them all! The hardest part is relying on SO many teams who often don’t work together and I find myself repeating myself or my care being delayed or misunderstood which is hard, especially as a StN so it’s hard being a patient and a HCP #WeStNs
23 June 2021 20:26
@WeStudentNurse #WeStNs
23 June 2021 20:27
Do you think all notes are read when someone is more 'complex'? Do you feel you have time to read patient notes? #WeStNs https://twitter.com/MerielChudleigh/status/1407780408754855943
23 June 2021 20:28
@WeStudentNurse 2nd barrier? More health issues a person has, more complicated it becomes to be relied upon to be historian. Unless Pt keeps binder w/ all progress notes & Tx plans it gradually becomes impossible to give detailed Hx in 10 mins w/ new Drs/Nurses #WeStNs https://twitter.com/PsychRecovery/status/1407781285603409920?s=19
23 June 2021 20:29
Question 4 #WeStNs https://t.co/3TqbCJZnAx
23 June 2021 20:29
Argh #Westns I am rusty with my twitter habits https://twitter.com/MerielChudleigh/status/1407782566158114818
23 June 2021 20:29
This has been a bit of a recurring theme. Ask the patient. Often patients with multiple health conditions can feel 'lost' in all their conditions. How can we make sure we see the patient? #WeStNs https://twitter.com/CYP_BCU_Kelvin/status/1407780414635249666
23 June 2021 20:29
RT @WeStudentNurse: Great list. Had others thought about these? How do you think we can break these barriers down? #WeStNs
23 June 2021 20:29
@stnpaeds_Ellena How do you think we can make these patients feel more heard? #WeStNs
23 June 2021 20:30
RT @WeStudentNurse: Question 4 #WeStNs https://t.co/3TqbCJZnAx
23 June 2021 20:31
@WeStudentNurse Letting patients have more time to explain their symptoms / situation. Covid has had a massive hit on patients with appointments being cancelled or being telephone instead of face to face. It’s so hard for patients at the moment #WeStNs
23 June 2021 20:31
@WeStudentNurse Take more of a lead and a role in the provision of their care and needs, involvement in decisions, actually listening to what they’re saying and asking for not just hearing words #WeStNs
23 June 2021 20:31
@nadenegchandler Yes we can see this happening if patients feel they are 'pestering' their HCPs' how can we help them feel more comfortable asking for help? #WeStNs
23 June 2021 20:32
@MerielChudleigh @WeStudentNurse Yes that would be a good idea :) I just think patients would feel listened too, included in decisions and hear all the communication going on. Often there is a delay in information being relayed with can increase anxiety. #WeStns
23 June 2021 20:32
@WeStudentNurse It would be nice for HCPs to provide patients with space to speak in appointments and more time for questions! Having an advocate would be helpful for a lot of patients who may feel anxious in appointments or not feel confident enough to advocate for themselves #WeStNs
23 June 2021 20:32
How do you think we can make sure patients still feel they can come to their HCPs without feeling like they are 'making a fuss'? #WeStNs https://twitter.com/nadenegchandler/status/1407780885173354498
23 June 2021 20:33
@WeStudentNurse Just be open and honest and empathetic with our patients. We need to speak from the heart and support them as best as we can, but be realistic at the same time #WeStns
23 June 2021 20:33
@AnthonyLongbone How fat do you think this happens at the moment? #WeStNs
23 June 2021 20:34
@WeStudentNurse Advocacy needs to be a much more central to health professionals role. I know it’s in there. But is it really ? #WeStNs
23 June 2021 20:34
This is a great thought. How often do we check in with patient preferences? #WeStNs https://twitter.com/Helenski17/status/1407780987032018948
23 June 2021 20:35
@nadenegchandler How might you manage more 'practical' issues' like getting times everyone can meet? #WeStNs
23 June 2021 20:37
Question 5 #WeStNs https://t.co/owA78D3x3S
23 June 2021 20:37
@WeStudentNurse I think MDT meetings could be good to get everyone together. They could be more ‘doable’ if they’re virtual ones #WeStNs
23 June 2021 20:37
Do you think there is a way we can make sure things aren't lost when patients have lots to remember and very extensive history? #WeStNs https://twitter.com/PsychRecovery/status/1407782620537098241
23 June 2021 20:37
@WeStudentNurse #WeStns It saves time to read notes &it is about being prepared for individualised care - we say a lot about listening but unless we spend 5 to 10 mins getting up to speed we will never keep care moving forward Focus on most pertinent points - vital to practice/ academic progress
23 June 2021 20:37
@WeStudentNurse Firstly, being seen as #people not patients Equal partners in Care Ask what matters Listen to what matters Do what matters #WeStNs https://t.co/Xu3vWMvx6y
23 June 2021 20:37
@WeStudentNurse Support with communication where needed , who they want to support them , their next of kin should be someone they trust not always a family member. #WeStNs
23 June 2021 20:39
@WeStudentNurse Great MDT teams all working together in regards to support, medications, appointments on same day when seeing more than one consultant #WeStNs
23 June 2021 20:39
Has anyone seen an MDT meeting with a patient involved? We think this is a great idea! #WeStNs https://twitter.com/Helenski17/status/1407781407175368708
23 June 2021 20:41
We think this is a great idea too! Who do you think might be good for this job (as in current roles, or a completely new one)? #WeStNs https://twitter.com/scPALMERNASH/status/1407781520744591360
23 June 2021 20:41
RT @WeStudentNurse: Has anyone seen an MDT meeting with a patient involved? We think this is a great idea! #WeStNs
23 June 2021 20:41
@WeStudentNurse I have once and it was very beneficial to the patient! #WeStNs
23 June 2021 20:41
@WeStudentNurse Been listened too if symptoms change as are medications can cause side effects but we need to listen as patients/service users know a lot about their conditions as they live with it . #WeStNs
23 June 2021 20:42
@nikkilouh Yes, great MDT teams working together will relieve some of the stress on the patient #WeStNs
23 June 2021 20:42
Thanks for sharing your experience Nadene #WeStNs https://twitter.com/nadenegchandler/status/1407782121419255813
23 June 2021 20:42
@WeStudentNurse I think Learning Disability Nurses and Mental Health Nurses have a coordinating role in looking after a persons ‘whole’ health. I am sure there will be other other specialities too that do. #WeStNs
23 June 2021 20:43
@BNUZOE Oh yes or look for the illusive 'underlying' condition #WeStNs
23 June 2021 20:43
@WeStudentNurse To look at the patient holistically, ask them what they what priority with as what is important to them might be different to what you think is important. #WeStNs
23 June 2021 20:43
@jimmyteeeeee We agree, different hospitals or fields of nursing often use different systems #WeStNs
23 June 2021 20:43
@MerielChudleigh @WeStudentNurse Are there equivalents now? I am literally 3 days into my first actual clinical placement, so I am unaware. #WeStNs
23 June 2021 20:43
@WeStudentNurse I have! Having a good MDT team, in particular a member of the team the patient has built a good rapport with can make such a different to support them and work with the rest of the team. But I wish it was something we could see a lot more #WeStNs
23 June 2021 20:44
@WeStudentNurse Hi a little late but Nikki here , Student MH nurse #WeStNs
23 June 2021 20:44
@stnpaeds_Ellena Do you find it difficult to have enough time? #WeStNs
23 June 2021 20:44
@WeStudentNurse I think there’s a long way to go & things are developing all the time. It’s important for us as future nurses to take a whole system view & think outside of our own field. Been great seeing my cohort enjoying learning from each other #WeStNs
23 June 2021 20:44
@nikkilouh This is a great point. Many patients with multiple illnesses feel they are not listened to if a new symptom arises #WeStNs
23 June 2021 20:45
@WeStudentNurse Yes in MH quite often the service users are in MDT meetings and ward rounds etc . #WeStNs
23 June 2021 20:45
@nadenegchandler Time can be a tricky one! You want to help as many people as possible, but also give them enough time! #WeStNs
23 June 2021 20:46
Question 6 #WeStNs https://t.co/D5HcmM8bog
23 June 2021 20:46
@WeStudentNurse @nikkilouh Just to add. Yep. We might have read about conditions. Been taught about them. Think we know about them. What we don’t actually know it’s how it affects the patient PERSONALLY and RIGHT NOW. #WeStNs
23 June 2021 20:47
Students in MH nursing might be more experienced with the idea of an advocate. Has anyone seen this in other fields? Do you think it should be more widespread? #WeStNs https://twitter.com/nadenegchandler/status/1407783635701411843
23 June 2021 20:48
@nikkilouh Welcome Nikki #WeStNs
23 June 2021 20:49
@WeStudentNurse My partner does leave a lot to the last min with his health concerns or won’t ring up because he finds it difficult to understand the jargon with his health . #WeStNs
23 June 2021 20:50
Do you think having all appointments and an MDT on one day would be helpful? Might it be overwhelming? #WeStNs https://twitter.com/nikkilouh/status/1407785388375150597
23 June 2021 20:50
@scPALMERNASH @nikkilouh Exactly that. We can read and learn about the condition however we won’t know how it effects the patient without listening and understanding their feelings #WeStNs
23 June 2021 20:51
@nadenegchandler Amazing! Hopefully they will become more of a norm! #WeStNs
23 June 2021 20:52
@WeStudentNurse Very much patient specific. Some will be ok. Some won’t. Will depend on how their conditions are effecting them on the day. #WeStNs
23 June 2021 20:53
@Behtieboo That’s great do you feel this will help health care professionals understand the patients needs and health needs? #WeStNs
23 June 2021 20:53
Great words from Tony! We are the future! #WeStNs https://twitter.com/AnthonyLongbone/status/1407786767613370372
23 June 2021 20:53
@MerielChudleigh @Helenski17 @WeStudentNurse #WeStNs The 5 must do 'WITH' me steps #wmty21 https://t.co/m8l8W1NRle
23 June 2021 20:54
#WeWonder why is this common in MH but not other fields? #WeStNs https://twitter.com/nikkilouh/status/1407786880326832130
23 June 2021 20:54
RT @WeStudentNurse: Great words from Tony! We are the future! #WeStNs
23 June 2021 20:54
@WeStudentNurse Regular overview of each condition and meditation as sometimes changes in medication is not updated or when consultants change move on etc . This could be a cover sheet or something depending on the programs hospital uses . #WeStNs
23 June 2021 20:55
And finally! Any comments or thoughts you'd like to add on the topic of caring for patients with multiple health conditions? #WeStNs https://t.co/WRJo68vUiO
23 June 2021 20:55
So true! Patients can really be an expert in their conditions, not just symptoms but the actual life impact #WeStNs https://twitter.com/scPALMERNASH/status/1407787248431648771
23 June 2021 20:57
@nikkilouh Some things might seem so simple, but even little changes can make a difference! #WeStNs
23 June 2021 20:57
@nikkilouh What do you feel could be done to make talking about health concerns better? #WeStNs
23 June 2021 20:57
@WeStudentNurse It's absolutely critical for ppl w/ complicated Med Hx to keep 3-ring binder/electronic health record w/ them always. Equally critical is making 1 pg bulleted summary right on top so that in emergencies, unfamiliar Nurses/Drs have easy access #WeStNs https://twitter.com/WeStudentNurse/status/1407784938410319877?s=19
23 June 2021 20:57
RT @tommyNtour: @MerielChudleigh @Helenski17 @WeStudentNurse #WeStNs The 5 must do 'WITH' me steps #wmty21 https://t.co/m8l8W1NRle
23 June 2021 20:57
RT @WeStudentNurse: So true! Patients can really be an expert in their conditions, not just symptoms but the actual life impact #WeStNs
23 June 2021 20:58
RT @tommyNtour: @MerielChudleigh @Helenski17 @WeStudentNurse #WeStNs The 5 must do 'WITH' me steps #wmty21 https://t.co/m8l8W1NRle
23 June 2021 20:59
This sounds like a good idea. A sort of 'cheat' sheet to make sure important information isn't forgotten or missed #WeStNs https://twitter.com/nikkilouh/status/1407789214771691520


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