#AllOurHealth - Thursday 7th October 2021 6pm (GMT Standard Time) Mental health & wellbeing - UoP

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 Chat Details


Hosted by CarrotLearning using #AllOurHealth

This chat is guest hosted by @PUNC14 @CarrotLearning

   1 in 4 people will experience a mental health problem this year yet as a society we are often very reluctant to talk about mental health and wellbeing, and this can lead to people feeling ashamed, isolated and worthless.  (Time to Change 2020)

Talking about mental health can really help to change lives and all health and care professionals have an important role in leading the way when it comes to mental health and well being. Wellbeing and mental health: Applying All Our Health (PHE 2019) states:

Front-line health professionals can:

  •  use the Make every contact count resource, and take every opportunity to have brief conversations with people about making positive changes
  • incorporate psychological aspects of care within all care pathways
  • identify risk factors and symptoms of mental health problems and signpost and refer appropriately
  • identify risk factors and indicators for potential self-harm and suicide and support individuals who may present with suicidal thoughts and refer appropriately
  • guide individuals with existing mental health problems through health promotion advice - and support them to access services to improve their physical health and wellbeing (screening, health checks, physical activity, debt advice)
  • use basic coaching techniques to support an individual who may be experiencing mental distress

This #AllOurHealth Tweetchat will focus on the importance of health and care professionals talking about mental health and wellbeing and the impact we can all have.  The Tweetchat will explore the following questions:

  • Why is it important to talk about mental health & wellbeing?
  • What action can we take in our day to day roles to meet our patients mental health and wellbeing needs?
  • How do we identify those people at risk of poor mental health and what action can we take?
  • Have you used PHE’s Every Mind Matters campaign and resources in your practice? What has worked well and what could we develop or improve?
  • What one action can you take in regard to mental health and wellbeing following this Tweetchat? 

 Chat Contributers


100 Tweets
200 Tweets
20000 Impressions
20000 Impressions
20000 Impressions

 Engagement Wheel

 Chat Word Cloud


 Participant bio cloud

 Chat Summary


Some fantastic demonstrations of learning from the 2nd year @Plymuni students came out in this chat, we have captured a small part of that in some of the inspired responses and comments made during this #AllOurHealth discussion below:

Talking about mental health and well-being was clearly understood by the students as important in terms of reducing stigma, and the value of reducing stigma to help understand causes and solutions for individuals, but also talking to identify signals or risks, when asked what these underlying risks were the students had clearly understood these: 

Have the students understood how, when with patients, they can use their knowledge from the evidence in #AllOurhealth to support patients when with them? Listening and talking to patients was something many students identified that they could do:

Whilst many of the students answered appropriately we asked a few if, following exposure to the #allourhealth content "would they have the confidence to talk about it with patients?" 

We asked again to see how students can identify patients at risk, this #Allourhealth content has well and truly sunk in:

On to the "Every Mind Matters" campaign, it was good to see some students had taken the quiz and also identified some changes they may need to make to improve their own wellbeing:

The all-important "so what?" question... are students motivated into action from a short burst of social learning and sharing #AllOurHealth evidence? Well, yes they are...

Our objective with supporting students through #AllOurhealth to learning about mental health and well-being is to give them the capacity and confidence to approach the subject with patients, we asked them if the content and module had given them that, we were pleased with the response:

 Post Chat Comments

After the chat you may like to add a reflection, add some questions, or maybe you've made a change from something you leant on the chat...well now you can with "post chat comments" below.

You'll need to be logged into via Twitter from the main menu, then you can share your post chat comments...
{{Comment.DateCreated | date:"dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm"}}

 #AllOurHealth transcript

07 October 2021 18:00
WELCOME @PUNC14 year 2 students to tonight's #AllOurHealth tweetchat on: Mental Health & Wellbeing Please add #AllOurHealth to your tweets and click on #AllOurHealth to see the chat. Let's start by saying hello to each other... https://t.co/EeJj71M6DS
07 October 2021 18:01
@CarrotLearning @PUNC14 #AllOurHealth #NRS503 https://t.co/OvnIV3FNM6
07 October 2021 18:02
@JosiePunc20 @PUNC14 Hi Josie! #AllOurHealth
07 October 2021 18:02
@CarrotLearning @PUNC14 Hello everyone! #Allourhealth #punc20 https://t.co/H7DHAGsgnq
07 October 2021 18:02
Good evening #allourhealth #nrs503
07 October 2021 18:03
QUESTION 1 For tonight's #AllOurHealth on mental health & wellbeing "Why is it important to talk about mental health & wellbeing?" Answer with #AllOurHealth in your tweets and click on #AllOurHealth to see and respond to other participants' answers too.. easy hey! https://t.co/uGSXc1TYtz
07 October 2021 18:03
@PUNC20_SarahJ welcome Sarah to #AllOurHealth
07 October 2021 18:03
@CarrotLearning It is important to talk about mental health & well-being as severe mental illness can cause physical health conditions & reduced life expectancy. Mental health is a preventable illness and patients should be encouraged to talk openly & make positive changes. #AllOurHealth #PUNC20
07 October 2021 18:03
@CarrotLearning It's important as it helps to reduce stigma, encouraging others to talk #AllOurHealth
07 October 2021 18:04
@CarrotLearning It is important to talk about mental health and wellbeing as it helps encourage young people to seek support early to manage the impacts of mental ill-health. Talking about your feelings can help you stay in good mental health. #AllOurHealth
07 October 2021 18:04
@CarrotLearning Talking about mental health relieves stigma, facilitates understanding around complex and personal issues and creates an inclusive culture where a person’s health and wellbeing are priority #AllOurHealth #punc20
07 October 2021 18:04
@PUNC20_Joanne @PUNC14 Hi Joanne... thanks for joining us this eve on #AllOurHealth
07 October 2021 18:04
@CarrotLearning Not talking about MH can make people feel more isolated and alone and encourages the stigma around mental health #AllOurHealth
07 October 2021 18:04
@CarrotLearning Because there's a stigma around talking about mental health and when you need support with your mental health. We should talk about mental health with the same confidence we talk about our physical health #AllOurHealth #PUNC20
07 October 2021 18:04
@CarrotLearning Parity of esteem? Mental Health is as important as physical health #AllOurHealth
07 October 2021 18:04
@CarrotLearning To raise awareness and to encourage other to talk about their struggles and feeling #allourhealth
07 October 2021 18:04
@PUNC20_StaceyA @PUNC21Amelia @PUNC20_Michelle hi all :) well done for remembering to add #AllOurHealth
07 October 2021 18:04
@CarrotLearning By talking about our mental health we break down the current perception that some have of mental health not having the same value as physical health. #AllOurHealth
07 October 2021 18:05
@CarrotLearning To help get rid of the stigma around mental health and because mental wellbeing is just as important as physical health. #allourhealth
07 October 2021 18:05
@CarrotLearning Having those conversations can also help to identify risk factors #AllOurHealth
07 October 2021 18:05
@CarrotLearning And as professionals we should ask so people can be comfortable to answer honestly. People may not feel comfortable starting the conversation so we should help them #AllOurHealth
07 October 2021 18:05
RT @Maria36891038: @CarrotLearning Parity of esteem? Mental Health is as important as physical health #AllOurHealth
07 October 2021 18:06
Mental health & wellbeing - UoP with @PUNC14, @CarrotLearning via #AllOurHealth 07/10/2021 http://www.wecommunities.org/tweet-chats/chat-details/5706 via @CarrotLearning
07 October 2021 18:06
@PUNC20_Michelle What might some of those be? #AllOurHealth
07 October 2021 18:07
@CarrotLearning The more the topic is talked about, the less stigma it carries and individuals will feel supported. #AllOurHealth #punc20
07 October 2021 18:07
@PUNC20Kelly @CarrotLearning and one can influence the other #AllOurHealth
07 October 2021 18:07
@justamy_PUNC20 @CarrotLearning So true! #allourhealth
07 October 2021 18:08
@CarrotLearning It’s important to talk about mental health as it releases stress to know your problems have been aired and someone has listened. It might not solve the problem but you are no longer alone #allourhealth
07 October 2021 18:08
RT @PUNC20_Michelle: @PUNC20Kelly @CarrotLearning and one can influence the other #AllOurHealth
07 October 2021 18:08
@PUNC20_mollyyy @CarrotLearning Absolutely, this is so important! #allourhealth
07 October 2021 18:08
I agree with the comments made in that the more people talk about it the less stigma there is. #AllOurHealth
07 October 2021 18:09
RT @CarrotLearning: QUESTION 1 For tonight's #AllOurHealth on mental health & wellbeing "Why is it important to talk about mental health &…
07 October 2021 18:09
@CarrotLearning stress, poverty, abuse, lack of community, addiction #AllOurHealth
07 October 2021 18:09
@CarrotLearning It helps people feel comfortable express their personal stories and feel like there not alone #allourhealth
07 October 2021 18:10
QUESTION 2 @punc14 #AllOurHealth What action can we take in our day to day roles to meet our patients mental health and wellbeing needs? Don't forget to add #AllOurHealth to your tweets... https://t.co/BRFK2ZZWXc
07 October 2021 18:10
@CarrotLearning @PUNC14 Listening to them giving them a chance to talk about their needs and express their feelings in a safe environment #allourhealth
07 October 2021 18:10
RT @PUNC20_Michelle: @CarrotLearning stress, poverty, abuse, lack of community, addiction #AllOurHealth
07 October 2021 18:10
@CarrotLearning @PUNC14 Listening to patients needs by talking to them and making eye contact. Support them to be as independent as possible and find out what truly matters to THEM as an individual, incorporating this into their care provision #AllOurHealth #punc20
07 October 2021 18:10
@PUNC20_Michelle well done! #AllOurHealth
07 October 2021 18:11
@PUNC20_SarahJ Would you feel confident to talk about mental health and wellbeing following the content that you have seen on the #AllOurHealth course?
07 October 2021 18:11
@CarrotLearning @PUNC14 Giving them a safe space to talk and be listened to #AllOurHealth #PUNC20
07 October 2021 18:11
@CarrotLearning @PUNC14 Encourage proper sleep hygiene, social interaction and finding support that best suits the individuals holistic needs #allourhealth
07 October 2021 18:11
@PUNC20_StaceyA @PUNC14 Would you feel confident to talk about mental health and wellbeing following the content that you have seen on the #AllOurHealth course?
07 October 2021 18:11
@CarrotLearning @PUNC14 Asking them how they are feeling and have as much conversation as possible. Letting them know that you are there to meet all of their holistic needs #AllOurHealth
07 October 2021 18:11
@CarrotLearning @PUNC14 To help our Patients in our day to day activity we can ask them how they are, we can start an open conversation, get to know them better and look for signs of depression early on and help refer if necessary #allourhealth
07 October 2021 18:11
@CarrotLearning @PUNC14 Sometimes I think it can be as simple as saying “how have you been recently? How’s things at home?” Really simple questions to get a conversation started that a patient may not have felt they could have otherwise. #AllOurHealth
07 October 2021 18:11
@CarrotLearning @PUNC14 We should make every contact count. We should be observant and open, allowing patients to feel comfortable talking honestly with us and see them as a whole person, not just presenting problem #AllOurHealth
07 October 2021 18:11
@CarrotLearning @PUNC14 Make every contact count. Take the time to stop, talk and listen. Support the individual and direct in an appropriate manner. #AllOurHealth #punc20
07 October 2021 18:11
@CarrotLearning @PUNC14 We can make every contact count by recognising patients who are struggling with their mental health & allow them to talk openly in safe environment. We can also provide patients with health promotion advice. #AllOurHealth
07 October 2021 18:12
@CarrotLearning Yes definitely #allourhealth
07 October 2021 18:12
@CarrotLearning @PUNC14 We canidentify risk factors and symptoms of mental health problems and signpost and refer appropriately #AllOurHealth
07 October 2021 18:12
@CarrotLearning @PUNC14 Listen to our patients, use a mix of open and closed questions, be realistic with outcomes and reassure them that its normal. Remind them they have taken the first step by having a conversation. #AllOurHealth
07 October 2021 18:13
@KaitlynFarlow @PUNC14 how confident would you feel to do that, having explored some of the #AllOurHealth content?
07 October 2021 18:13
@CarrotLearning @PUNC14 I think the content is very supportive and provides great insight for all health professionals #AllOurHealth so yes I think I would!
07 October 2021 18:13
@CarrotLearning It’s important to create an environment where people feel they can openly talk their mental health without feeling uncomfortable #AllOurHealth @CarrotLearning #PUNC20
07 October 2021 18:14
@SophiePunc20 @PUNC14 so, talking to them about how the live, not just pointing evidence at them? #AllOurHealth
07 October 2021 18:14
@CarrotLearning @PUNC20_StaceyA @PUNC14 It definitely made me more aware of the resources available #AllOurHealth
07 October 2021 18:14
@PUNC20_SarahJ brilliant :) #AllOurHealth
07 October 2021 18:15
@JosiePunc20 @CarrotLearning @PUNC14 this 100%, normally what they say isnt what they mean, also being able to recognise physical symptoms of mental ill health #AllOurHealth
07 October 2021 18:15
@CarrotLearning @PUNC14 100%. We can learn more about a person from the way they talk about themselves, their home life, their work than we can getting them to answer a set of questions! #AllOurHealth
07 October 2021 18:15
@PUNC20_StaceyA @PUNC14 fantastic! #AllOurHealth well done.
07 October 2021 18:15
@CarrotLearning Its important to talk about mental health & well-being because if everyone hid their true mental well-being from eachother we’d live in a conditioned society, where everyone is ‘ok’ & people feel isolated. Talking about it makes it more normalised & part of society.#AllOurHealth
07 October 2021 18:16
@PUNC20_Michelle @JosiePunc20 @PUNC14 what type of things might you look for Michelle? #AllOurHealth
07 October 2021 18:17
QUESTION 3 @punc14 #AllOurHealth How do we identify those people at risk of poor mental health and what action can we take? https://t.co/oWESAmaUpB
07 October 2021 18:17
@CarrotLearning @PUNC14 We can identify at risk patients by extreme mood changes, confused thinking or reduced ability to concentrate, withdrawal from friends, low energy, extreme tiredness & issues sleeping. PHE states to incorporate psychological aspects of care within all care pathways. #AllOurHealth
07 October 2021 18:17
@CarrotLearning @PUNC14 By being empathetic and listening to how they feel. By asking what their own individual needs are and ways that personally help their own mental wellbeing. Promote a healthy heart and healthy mind by little changes. Increase time spent in green and blue spaces. #allourhealth
07 October 2021 18:17
@CarrotLearning @PUNC14 You can identify those at risk by being observant, by having a holistic approach to care and considering the patient as a person and not just their illness. Consider how you would feel if roles were reversed and what your needs would be #AllOurHealth #punc20
07 October 2021 18:17
@SophiePunc20 @PUNC14 so this can be called a coaching or mentoring approach, is that something that you feel works better than lecturing patients? #AllOurHealth
07 October 2021 18:18
@CarrotLearning @JosiePunc20 @PUNC14 fatigue, headaches, unexplained general aches and pains, insomnia, general restlessness #AllOurHealth
07 October 2021 18:18
@CarrotLearning @PUNC14 We should spend time getting to know patients and their families. Hospitals can be scary and lonely places during a pandemic and a friendly conversation with someone who genuinely cares can go a long way #AllOurHealth
07 October 2021 18:18
@CarrotLearning @PUNC14 Looking at individuals lifestyles and support systems they may or may not have in place. Looking at making a plan and offering services and support #allourhealth
07 October 2021 18:18
@CarrotLearning @PUNC14 We assess thing like the physical and social demeanor, if they are struggling with anything and how they or someone else putting them in harms way #allourhealth
07 October 2021 18:18
@CarrotLearning @PUNC14 Identify through their personal risk factors and communication. The correct services should be offered and an open space to discuss concerns or general conversation. #AllOurHealth
07 October 2021 18:19
@JosiePunc20 @PUNC14 what if we only had a very short window with them? #AllOurHealth
07 October 2021 18:19
@CarrotLearning @PUNC14 You can identify patients that seem quiet or withdrawn (not always), look for people going through long term stress, long term physical health conditions. Look out for the family and carers too! If they suffer, the patient will too. Early intervention. Let's talk! #allourhealth
07 October 2021 18:20
@CarrotLearning @PUNC14 To look after our patients mental health needs, us as professionals should be looking after our own - to ensure the best care for our patients. #allourhealth
07 October 2021 18:20
@CarrotLearning @PUNC14 Look for signs of withdrawal or not their typical usual self. Listen to famillies and loved ones. Encourage patients to be open and build a trusting, non-judgemental relationship. #allourhealth
07 October 2021 18:20
@CarrotLearning @PUNC14 Look for anyone who has lifestyle or behaviour changes. Sometimes becoming withdrawn and changes to eating or sleeping patterns can be the first sign something is wrong #Allourhealth
07 October 2021 18:21
@CarrotLearning @PUNC14 By not only looking at their symptoms but by identifying their difficulties in personal/social life, work, housing #allourhealth
07 October 2021 18:21
@CarrotLearning @PUNC14 By checking out individuals lifestyles and behaviour. Look at the risk factors and any obvious symptoms #allourhealth
07 October 2021 18:22
QUESTION 4 (two parter) @punc14 #AllOurHealth Have you used PHE’s / @OHID "Every Mind Matters campaign" and resources/quiz? https://www.nhs.uk/every-mind-matters/ What has worked well and what could be developed or improved? https://t.co/dgnIPdDrzH
07 October 2021 18:22
@CarrotLearning @PUNC14 @OHID I have taken a look at the Every Mind Matters campaign through the #AllOurHealth @CarrotLearning course. However, I have not used the resources in my practice yet. #PUNC20
07 October 2021 18:23
@CarrotLearning @PUNC14 @OHID I haven't but I'm aware that it is a good resources for mental health #allourhealth
07 October 2021 18:23
@CarrotLearning @PUNC14 we can identify those at risk by being aware of their normal presentation and noting changes, bylistenign to concerns of those closest to a patient, by being aware of various inequalities to recognise risk factors such as poverty, unemployment etc. #AllOurHealth
07 October 2021 18:23
@CarrotLearning @PUNC14 @OHID The mind plan quiz is a very effective way of asking users to evaluate how they are feeling, their stress & anxiety levels & how they are sleeping. The personalised plan is great in motivating & encouraging people to make positive changes to their mental health. #AllOurHealth
07 October 2021 18:23
If you've not taken the quiz.... open it now and come back to it after the #AllOurHealth chat with your thoughts :) https://twitter.com/CarrotLearning/status/1446163914346188809
07 October 2021 18:23
@PUNC20Danielle @CarrotLearning @PUNC14 @OHID Hopefully, we will be able to take this into practice soon #allourhealth
07 October 2021 18:23
@CarrotLearning @PUNC14 We should support people when young to discuss their mental health and identify their risk factors. Mental health should be taught in schools and not just brushed off as puberty and hormones #AllOurHealth
07 October 2021 18:24
@PUNC20Danielle @PUNC14 @OHID how do you think you might apply it? Any thoughts at this stage #AllOurHealth
07 October 2021 18:24
@CarrotLearning @PUNC14 We identify those more at risk for mental health issues by looking at there lifestyle factors and noticing their behaviours. Although it’s important to remember anyone can struggle with this and the ones you least expect. #allourhealth
07 October 2021 18:24
@CarrotLearning @PUNC14 @OHID Yes, I did and completed the quiz. A lot of my suggestions were very similar but you have the option to change them . Nice resource #AllOurHealth
07 October 2021 18:25
@CarrotLearning @PUNC14 @OHID I had a go at the quiz this morning and it made me take a step back and look at the very simple things I can do to help with my day to day mental health. For me it was a reminder for self care! #AllOurHealth
07 October 2021 18:25
@CarrotLearning @PUNC14 @OHID I have not been able to take this into practice as yet but am hopeful that I will be able to very soon as it is a very good tool to have. #allourhealth #punc20
07 October 2021 18:25
@CarrotLearning @PUNC14 Being as informed as we can, up to date with research and the most effective interventions and sharing that with people, they can then make an informed decision. #AllOurHealth
07 October 2021 18:26
@Maria36891038 @PUNC14 @OHID well done :) anything you might change? #AllOurHealth
07 October 2021 18:26
@SophiePunc20 @PUNC14 @OHID a reminder is good.... any plans to make any changes? #AllOurHealth
07 October 2021 18:26
Not yet. Hopefully during my placements in year 2 and 3 I will be able to make use of the resources and use them to help and signpost patients. #AllOurHealth
07 October 2021 18:26
@CarrotLearning @Maria36891038 @PUNC14 @OHID My sleeping patterns need a rest and it’s helped me make a start with it :) #AllOurHealth
07 October 2021 18:27
QUESTION 5 @punc14 #AllOurHealth What one action can you take in regard to mental health and wellbeing following this Tweetchat? Don't forget to add #AllOurHealth to your tweets :) https://t.co/dlwwsbyHt6
07 October 2021 18:27
@daisy_punc @PUNC14 do you think the #AllOurHealth resources will help you with that?
07 October 2021 18:27
@CarrotLearning @PUNC14 @OHID Signpost patients who are struggling with their mental health to the mind plan quiz so they could have a personalised plan to help them make positive changes. #AllOurHealth
07 October 2021 18:27
@CarrotLearning @PUNC14 @OHID I have just done the quizz as hadn’t done it before and found that what it offered was really helpful. We do know most the things to keep us our mental health healthy but we need reminders! I don’t mediate and will look into that #allourhealth
07 October 2021 18:27
@SophiePunc20 @CarrotLearning @PUNC14 @OHID There was a lot of relaxation suggestions on mine ??#AllOurHealth
07 October 2021 18:27
I am so happy to be part of the chat surrounding #AllOurHealth
07 October 2021 18:27
@SophiePunc20 @Maria36891038 @PUNC14 @OHID hope that works out well for you :) fingers crossed! #AllOurHealth
07 October 2021 18:27
@CarrotLearning @PUNC14 To raise awareness to people around me and use my social media platforms to share information and guidance. As well as read different guidelines and look at support services to educate myself #allourhealth
07 October 2021 18:27
RT @Maria36891038: @SophiePunc20 @CarrotLearning @PUNC14 @OHID There was a lot of relaxation suggestions on mine ??#AllOurHealth
07 October 2021 18:28
@CarrotLearning @PUNC14 @OHID Ive recommended the resources and was aware of the campaign when it first launched. Its user friendly but does need to be promoted more in healthcare settings (like GP surgeries) as a way of ongoing self management #AllOurHealth
07 October 2021 18:28
Every mind matters… take the quiz, YOU matter! https://www.nhs.uk/every-mind-matters/ #allourhealth
07 October 2021 18:28
@CarrotLearning @PUNC14 @OHID I haven’t yet, but hoping to soon as it’s a good resource for mental health & well-being. #AllOurHealth #PUNC20 @CarrotLearning
07 October 2021 18:28
@CarrotLearning @PUNC14 @OHID It made me aware, I don't always realize that I'm tense or overwhelmed #AllOurHealth
07 October 2021 18:29
@CarrotLearning @PUNC14 Encourage everyone in my cohort and that I know in my life to be open about their mental health and that my inbox is open if they ever need someone to talk to or to listen to them #AllOurHealth
07 October 2021 18:29
@CarrotLearning @PUNC14 Promote a positive culture around mental health awareness #AllOurHealth #punc20
07 October 2021 18:29
@CarrotLearning @PUNC14 That raising awareness and allowing people the space and platform to talk about mental health,makes talking about mental health more comfortable and less daunting #allourhealth
07 October 2021 18:29
@CarrotLearning @PUNC14 I have completed the mind plan quiz and I will encourage my friends and family to do the quiz to enable them to make positive changes to their lives. #AllOurHealth #PUNC20
07 October 2021 18:29
@CarrotLearning @PUNC14 Practice what I preach, look after my own wellbeing to allow me to support others with theirs. #AllOurHealth
07 October 2021 18:29
@CarrotLearning @PUNC14 @OHID I’ve seen the worry tree video used in placement before. Different resources work for different people and its handy to have videos and resources together in one place for the future #AllOurHealth
07 October 2021 18:30
@CarrotLearning @PUNC14 I have sent the quiz to a family member who is struggling and I have taken the quiz myself as we all need reminders on how to stay mentally healthy! We can’t look after others unless we are ok #allourhealth
07 October 2021 18:30
@CarrotLearning @PUNC14 To be a good active listener, take time to stop and talk. Learn where to signpost individuals to when required. #allourhealth #punc20
07 October 2021 18:31
@CarrotLearning @PUNC14 Time. Take time to listen to what our patients and saying and not saying to us. But also what we are trying to ignore in our own mental health and well-being #AllOurHealth
07 October 2021 18:31
@BethHPUNC20 @CarrotLearning @PUNC14 @OHID I am sure that we soon are able to. It is so important. #allourhealth
07 October 2021 18:32
@CarrotLearning @PUNC14 I will refer to the resources available and the every mind matters campaign for my future practice. I will ensure to promote positive mental wellbeing and try to make a difference in reducing the stigma around mental health. #allourhealth #punc20
07 October 2021 18:32
Super quick poll for #allourhealth mental health and well-being @punc14 course participants…. How confident following this part of the course are you to explore mental health with patients?
07 October 2021 18:32
@SophiePunc20 @CarrotLearning @PUNC14 A brilliant point about looking out for ourselves too, so easily missed! #allourhealth
07 October 2021 18:33
@Punc21Sarah @PUNC14 well done.... do you plan to both support each other in following up the recommendations? #AllOurHealth
07 October 2021 18:33
@Punc21Sarah @CarrotLearning @PUNC14 That is brilliant!#allourhealth
07 October 2021 18:34
@CarrotLearning @PUNC14 Yes definitely! I am currently supporting my family member after she has had long term health illness. It has really taken a toll on her mental health and I have recently ran a marathon to find the charitable organisation that is helping her #allourhealth
07 October 2021 18:34
@PUNC20_Joanne @Punc21Sarah @PUNC14 we agree :) #AllOurHealth
07 October 2021 18:35
QUESTION 6 @PUNC14 #AllOurHealth What are your closing thoughts on mental health and wellbeing related to protecting health and preventing illness following the chat and what you have nearn exploring PHE / @OHID evidence and resources? https://t.co/VR2PvtaGK8
07 October 2021 18:35
@CarrotLearning @PUNC14 @OHID The quiz is quick and easy however doesn’t feel very personalised. A more in depth quiz could be useful for people with a little more time who want to make bigger changes to their life #AllOurHealth
07 October 2021 18:35
I've completed module 9 of 25 on University of Plymouth #AllOurHealth 2021 #AllOurHealth https://courses.carrotlearning.co.uk/PHEuni21/sharebadge/2486?token=080a6434-39ae-4fee-8e02-7e721d2a9fd2
07 October 2021 18:35
@CarrotLearning @PUNC14 If they seem withdrawn. Low mood. Don't want to participate. Slow/quite in speaking. Approach in a kind/friendly manner and be patient with them. To gain their trust #AllOurHealth
07 October 2021 18:35
I've completed module 1 of 25 on University of Plymouth #AllOurHealth 2021 #AllOurHealth https://courses.carrotlearning.co.uk/PHEuni21/sharebadge/2478?token=946d19bc-396b-48a5-952e-19583ab317c9
07 October 2021 18:35
@CarrotLearning @PUNC14 *Fund (typo) #allourhealth
07 October 2021 18:35
@JosiePunc20 @CarrotLearning @PUNC14 @OHID I felt the same but its still useful #AllOurHealth
07 October 2021 18:36
@Punc21Sarah @PUNC14 amazing, well done on your run and we hope they are back to full health soon with your and the charities support! #AllOurHealth
07 October 2021 18:37
@JosiePunc20 @PUNC14 @OHID @Maria36891038 great feedback both #AllOurHealth
07 October 2021 18:37
@CarrotLearning @PUNC14 Thank you! ?? There is some adjustment to be made to her life. We will help support her as a family and with the charity and the amazing support of all the medical staff at the NHS ?? #allourhealth
07 October 2021 18:37
@CarrotLearning @PUNC14 @OHID We need to lead the way for mental health being a priority as all I have found during my research this week are links to our mental health being the basis for all other aspects of our life and health. We can not ignore it. It’s too important #AllOurHealth
07 October 2021 18:39
@CarrotLearning @PUNC14 @OHID Never underestimate the difference a conversation can make. By asking someone how they are and really listening to the answer, you can potentially prevent long term implications of illl health #AllOurHealth
07 October 2021 18:40
Well done everyone for joining, sharing and highlighting the mental health and wellbeing aspects to #AllOurHealth See you on the 17th for Smoking and tobacco! http://www.wecommunities.org/tweet-chats/chat-details/5707
07 October 2021 18:40
This is really encouraging @PUNC14 well done everyone #AllOurHealth https://twitter.com/CarrotLearning/status/1446166506795159552?s=20
07 October 2021 18:40
@CarrotLearning @PUNC14 @OHID It made me more confident in signposting patients to relevant resources and also found many resources for professionals. Really useful #allourhealth
07 October 2021 18:42
You ALL did really well this evening.... great job @punc14 #punc20 #AllOurHealth https://t.co/aJhkXaa6aQ
07 October 2021 18:43
@CarrotLearning @PUNC14 @OHID We have the skills and resources to start a conversation. Sometimes the first question is the hardest, and people do not always know who to talk to. Mental health should be a priority as good mental health has so many positive outcomes for physical health as well #AllOurHealth
07 October 2021 18:43
@CarrotLearning @PUNC14 @OHID It is our role to promote good mental health but we must start with ourselves. Encourage taking time to talk to each other and help stamp out any stigma that may be related to this issue. Use the resources available to us. #allourhealth #punc20
07 October 2021 18:44
@CarrotLearning @PUNC14 @OHID Mental health can be caused by many factors and affect are holistic health,so it is paramount we a nurse look after our own mental wellbeing as well as our patients #allourhealth
07 October 2021 18:44
I've completed module 2 of 25 on University of Plymouth #AllOurHealth 2021 #AllOurHealth https://courses.carrotlearning.co.uk/PHEuni21/sharebadge/2479?token=d726a6ad-12fd-4b5d-ae8e-a798b1f23205


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