#WeCYPNs - Wednesday 12th October 2016 8pm (GMT Standard Time) Pain Assessment for CYP with Cognitive Impairment.

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Hosted by WeCYPnurses using #WeCYPNs


Nurses that care for children are required to keep up to date with current and best practice in regards to pain management. As the NMC Code (2015) states that all nurses must care to high standard, nurses must be able to assess the pain of children with cognitive impairment [CI] as effectively as children without CI. Evidence based guidelines should be utilized to deliver high-quality pain management through the appropriate use of prevention, assessment, and treatment methods (Department of Health [DH], Department for Education and Skills [DES], 2004). 

DH (2004) considers the self-reporting of pain to be gold-standard for the assessment of pain, however this presents a challenge for children with CI who are unable to self-report due to verbal communication difficulties as a result of their condition. Therefore, children with CI are obliged to rely on others, such as parents or caregivers, to identify their pain behaviours and appropriately intervene (Solodiuk et al 2010). However, Solodiuk (2012) identifies that a cause of the under treatment of pain in children with CI is as a result of pain in this population not being easily recognised. As a result, children with CI relying on others to identify their pain can prove to be difficult in practice as pain is a subjective and complex experience which is best understood through the use of self-reporting. Therefore, the need for reliable pain tools for children with CI is imperative to ensure that pain evaluation is consistent and that pain management is adequate (Chem-Lin et al 2012). 

Pain assessment is an integral aspect of the nursing assessment. The Royal College of Nursing [RCN] (2009) states that the objective of pain assessment is to ensure that successful processes and procedures are implemented to prevent or minimise pain, and that the pain management within paediatric nursing has been recognised as inadequate. In regards to children with CI, Oberlander and O’Donnell (2001) identified that although many healthcare professionals acknowledge that pain is a common experience amongst these children, it is believed that pain is not easily assessed or managed even when pain is recognised. 

Chem-Lin et al (2012) suggests that the communication of pain is individualized and can attributed to a behavioural change or change in behavioural pattern, which is best interpreted by primary caregivers. However, Ely et al (2012) indicates that behavioural idiosyncrasies such as moaning may conceal pain expression as well as play and sleep patterns which may be problematic to interpret due to physical problems associated with some children with CI. In addition, Dubois, Capdevila, Bringuier, and Pry (2010) state that some atypical behaviour mannerisms identified through studies can cause confusion in carers if their child does not display expected behaviours experienced by other carers of children with CI. Solodiuk et al (2010) found that 25% of no pain descriptors by primary caregivers were in fact reported as responses to pain in other children. As a result, pain assessment tools for children with CI need to be individualised and informed through parents and caregivers who are more accustomed to their child’s behaviour and pain expression than the healthcare professionals caring for them during inpatient stays.  

This chat will aim to explore the following:

  • What tools do health professionals use to assess pain in children with cognitive impairment? 

  • Is it important to have different tools?
  • Do you use or know of any additional resources used in your trust to assist in pain assessment of this patient group?
  • Is collaboration with parents/carers important? How do you facilitate this?
  • What are the challenges of pain assessment of this patient group?
  • How can we overcome these challenges?
  • What are your top tips for pain assessment for this patient group?


Chen-Lim, M, L., Zarnowsky, C., Green, R., Shaffer, S., Holtzer, B., & Ely, E. (2012). Optimizing the Assessment of Pain in Children Who Are Cognitively Impaired Through the Quality Improvement Process. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 27(6), 750-759. doi:10.1016/j.pedn.2012.03.023

Department of Health., & Department for Education and Skills. (2004). National service framework for children, young people, and maternity services: children and young people who are ill. Retrieved from https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/199954/National_Service_Framework_for_Children_Young_People_and_Maternity_Services_-_Children_and_Young_People_who_are_Ill.pdf

Dubois, A., Capdevila, X., Bringuier, S., & Pry, R. (2009). Pain expression in children with an intellectual disability. European Journal of Pain, 14(6), 654-660. doi:10.1016/j.ejpain.2009.10.013

Ely, E., Chen-Lim, M, L., Zarnowsky, C., Green, R., Shaffer, S., Holtzer, B. (2012). Finding the Evidence to Change Practice for Assessing Pain in Children Who Are Cognitively Impaired. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 27(6), 402-410. doi:10.1016/j.pedn.2011.05.009

Oberlander, T, F., & O’Donnell, M, E. (2001). Beliefs about pain among professionals working with children with significant neurologic impairment. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 43(2), 138-140. doi: 10.1111/j.1469-8749.2001.tb00734.x

Solodiuk, J, C., Scott-Sutherland, J., Meyers, M., Myette, B., Shusterman, C., Karian, V, E., Harris, S, K., & Curley, M, A, Q. (2010). Validation of the Individualized Numeric Rating Scale (INRS): A pain assessment tool for nonverbal children with intellectual disability. PAIN, 150(2), 231-236. doi:10.1016/j.pain.2010.03.016

Solodiuk, J, C. (2012). Parent described pain responses in nonverbal children with intellectual disability. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 50(8), 1033-1044. doi:10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2012.11.015

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 #WeCYPNs transcript

12 October 2016 20:00
First things first! Give us a wave and a hello if you're joining in with tonight's chat! ?????? (and don't forget our hashtag...) #WeCYPNs
12 October 2016 20:00
#hellomynameis Traci ?? I’m a first year student nurse (child branch) at @UniversityLeeds. #WeCYPNs
12 October 2016 20:01
@WeCYPnurses Im going to try and take part tonight #WeCYPNs
12 October 2016 20:01
Hello! Rob here staff nurse from Derby #wecypns
12 October 2016 20:01
Failed already #wecypns https://t.co/3fegB7h11i
12 October 2016 20:02
@thenearlynurse @UniversityLeeds Great to have you with us Traci! We hope that you find this chat insightful ?? #WeCYPNs
12 October 2016 20:02
Steve joining for another chat :-) @WeCYPnurses #wecypns
12 October 2016 20:02
@cdodd09 Caroline you're supposed to be one of our pros at this now ?? #WeCYPNs
12 October 2016 20:03
@WeCYPnurses Good evening you wonderful children's nurses! I freaking love my career path today! #WeCYPNs
12 October 2016 20:03
@robbradley01 @punc16_kate Great to have you guys here! ?? #WeCYPNs
12 October 2016 20:03
@steve_grimbleby @DannGooding Great to have you guys back! Love the enthusiasm ???????? #WeCYPNs
12 October 2016 20:05
Let's have a quick quiz question to test your knowledge... #WeCYPNs https://t.co/5GTm3Ro9zx
12 October 2016 20:06
@WeCYPnurses Wong-Baker Scale? :S #WeCYPNs
12 October 2016 20:07
Don't worry if you don't know, that's what tonight's chat is all about! ?? #WeCYPNs
12 October 2016 20:08
@WeCYPnurses #wecypns revised FLACC ?
12 October 2016 20:08
@WeCYPnurses I don’t know but I’m ready to learn! #WeCYPNs
12 October 2016 20:08
@WeCYPnurses ashamed to say we don't have anything specific, often rely on the families 4 guidance, hoping 2nite will give me ideas #wecypns
12 October 2016 20:09
@DannGooding #WeCYPNs (ran out of characters!)
12 October 2016 20:10
RT @steve_grimbleby: @WeCYPnurses #wecypns revised FLACC ?
12 October 2016 20:10
@steve_grimbleby Yes Steve that is one! #WeCYPNs
12 October 2016 20:10
@thenearlynurse That's what we like to hear! #WeCYPNs
12 October 2016 20:11
@cdodd09 That is saddening Caroline ?? I wonder if the tools that I am familiar with are only used in certain areas at the moment! #WeCYPNs
12 October 2016 20:11
We used FLACC for babies has it been adapted specifically for older cyp with cog imp as well Steve? #wecypns https://t.co/7OMyCAHVoc
12 October 2016 20:12
@cdodd09 @steve_grimbleby the revised FLACC (2006) yes Caroline ?? #WeCYPNs
12 October 2016 20:13
RT @WeCYPnurses: @cdodd09 @steve_grimbleby the revised FLACC (2006) yes Caroline ?? #WeCYPNs
12 October 2016 20:13
@cdodd09 @WeCYPnurses #wecypns It can be used from 2 months to 7 years old
12 October 2016 20:13
@WeCYPnurses #wecypns we have a pain tool with things to look for as in posture and behaviours under each score for those who can't tell us
12 October 2016 20:14
Some of the tools include: The PPP ?? has anybody come across this? #WeCYPNs
12 October 2016 20:14
RT @robbradley01: @WeCYPnurses #wecypns we have a pain tool with things to look for as in posture and behaviours under each score for those…
12 October 2016 20:14
RT @steve_grimbleby: @cdodd09 @WeCYPnurses #wecypns It can be used from 2 months to 7 years old
12 October 2016 20:14
What does FLACC stand for? Sorry if a stupid question #wecypns
12 October 2016 20:14
@WeCYPnurses The FLACC pain scale looks like it could be very useful when dealing with a CYP with cognitive impairment #WeCYPNs
12 October 2016 20:15
If you show me something gd, I'll implement on my ward #wecypns we know our sp needs pts v well & can tell when the… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/786284051690844160
12 October 2016 20:15
@WeCYPnurses #wecypns not heard of it to be honest
12 October 2016 20:15
@WeCYPnurses nope hah#WeCYPNs
12 October 2016 20:15
@steve_grimbleby @WeCYPnurses will bear that in mind #wecypns
12 October 2016 20:15
@WeCYPnurses oops! #WeCYPNs
12 October 2016 20:15
@robbradley01 @WeCYPnurses #wecypns Face. Legs, Activity, Cry & Consolability
12 October 2016 20:16
@robbradley01 Face Legs Activity Cry Consolability scale Rob! #WeCYPNs
12 October 2016 20:16
RT @cdodd09: If you show me something gd, I'll implement on my ward #wecypns we know our sp needs pts v well & can tell when they're not ri…
12 October 2016 20:16
@robbradley01 @WeCYPnurses me neither #wecypns
12 October 2016 20:16
@steve_grimbleby @WeCYPnurses ok thank you #WeCYPNs
12 October 2016 20:17
@robbradley01 The PPP is the Paediatric Pain Profile and is the most current tool in practice! #WeCYPNs
12 October 2016 20:17
Why isn't there a standardised few recommended pain scores that work? Like a ladder, if this 1 doesn't work try next 1 @WeCYPnurses #WeCYPNs
12 October 2016 20:17
RT @WeCYPnurses: @robbradley01 Face Legs Activity Cry Consolability scale Rob! #WeCYPNs
12 October 2016 20:18
@cdodd09 PPP relies on parent/carer accounts of their child's normal and pain behaviours & thrives on nurse/parent collaboration #WeCYPNs
12 October 2016 20:19
The Paediatric Pain Profile is available at https://t.co/wA0iMy3qRc @WeCYPnurses #wecypns
12 October 2016 20:19
@DannGooding @WeCYPnurses #wecypns this would be a good idea looks like pain assessment is varied and the tools used also varied.
12 October 2016 20:19
@DannGooding There are several Dann, however the most common ones have been used for years and more current ones are not considered #WeCYPNs
12 October 2016 20:20
@DannGooding it is very unfortunate! #WeCYPNs
12 October 2016 20:20
RT @steve_grimbleby: The Paediatric Pain Profile is available at http://www.ppprofile.org.uk @WeCYPnurses #wecypns
12 October 2016 20:20
@WeCYPnurses that's what we do, didn't realise there was a technical term for it! #wecypns
12 October 2016 20:20
@steve_grimbleby Thank you for that Steve! You saved me a job there ?? #WeCYPNs
12 October 2016 20:21
Q2! What do you think? (Regardless of your knowledge of the tools in use) #WeCYPNs https://t.co/JIFKGuByTM
12 October 2016 20:21
Thanks Steve - will have a look! #wecypns https://twitter.com/steve_grimbleby/status/786285142197186560
12 October 2016 20:21
RT @cdodd09: @WeCYPnurses that's what we do, didn't realise there was a technical term for it! #wecypns
12 October 2016 20:21
@steve_grimbleby @WeCYPnurses Thank you for sharing, I hadn’t seen this yet! #WeCYPNs
12 October 2016 20:22
@WeCYPnurses yes!! otherwise some things may get missed (e.g. pain in children who can't verbalise it) #wecypns
12 October 2016 20:22
@WeCYPnurses #wecypns I would say it's important so that we can assess anyone for pain and therefore make the patient exp a better one.
12 October 2016 20:22
RT @thenearlynurse: @steve_grimbleby @WeCYPnurses Thank you for sharing, I hadn’t seen this yet! #WeCYPNs
12 October 2016 20:22
RT @cdodd09: Thanks Steve - will have a look! #wecypns https://twitter.com/steve_grimbleby/status/786285142197186560
12 October 2016 20:23
RT @DayOfDani: @WeCYPnurses yes!! otherwise some things may get missed (e.g. pain in children who can't verbalise it) #wecypns
12 October 2016 20:23
RT @robbradley01: @WeCYPnurses #wecypns I would say it's important so that we can assess anyone for pain and therefore make the patient exp…
12 October 2016 20:24
@WeCYPnurses Yes. Different impairments cause different communication deficits. #WeCYPNs
12 October 2016 20:24
@DayOfDani @robbradley01 absolutely agree with you on this! Pain behaviours are often expressed differently for these CYP! #WECYPNS
12 October 2016 20:24
RT @DannGooding: @WeCYPnurses Yes. Different impairments cause different communication deficits. #WeCYPNs
12 October 2016 20:25
RT @cdodd09: Thanks Steve - will have a look! #wecypns https://t.co/10yadbhpKD
12 October 2016 20:25
@DannGooding For me, this is often the most important thing. That people recognise CYP with impairment need specialist tools! #WeCYPNs
12 October 2016 20:25
@WeCYPnurses definitely, pain scale needs to be appropriate for the individual #wecypns
12 October 2016 20:26
Sorry, joining really late...! #wecypns
12 October 2016 20:26
RT @cdodd09: @WeCYPnurses definitely, pain scale needs to be appropriate for the individual #wecypns
12 October 2016 20:26
@WeCYPnurses It obvious though? Just like how neuro diverse nurses have reasonable adjustments, why isn't it automatic with CYP #WeCYPNs
12 October 2016 20:27
@WeCYPnurses my exp of p tools - poorly completed, staff not clear how 2 interpret, defer 2 parents - Parents feel can't leave CYP #WeCYPNs
12 October 2016 20:28
@hepworth_becky you've arrived just in time for my to take my daughter home #wecypns I'll try to catch the end when I get home!
12 October 2016 20:28
@DannGooding unfortunately the RCN reported in 2009 that pain assessment in children is inadequate & undertreated! #WeCYPNs
12 October 2016 20:28
#wecypns just a suggestion. Adam blinked using scale 1-5 for pain etc BUT 1 was lots of pain & 5 none as harder to blink when in pain.
12 October 2016 20:29
Q3 - We're moving on quickly tonight folks! #WeCYPNs https://t.co/4W1Ayn36hC
12 October 2016 20:29
RT @4AdsthePoet: #wecypns just a suggestion. Adam blinked using scale 1-5 for pain etc BUT 1 was lots of pain & 5 none as harder to blink w…
12 October 2016 20:29
@WeCYPnurses So would more education for students help? What do you think @Emzieness? @debscooper131 #WeCYPNs
12 October 2016 20:29
RT @4AdsthePoet: #wecypns just a suggestion. Adam blinked using scale 1-5 for pain etc BUT 1 was lots of pain & 5 none as harder to blink w…
12 October 2016 20:30
RT @WeCYPnurses: @DannGooding unfortunately the RCN reported in 2009 that pain assessment in children is inadequate & undertreated! #WeCYPNs
12 October 2016 20:30
@WeCYPnurses It is very important as a parent/carers know their children better than we do #WeCYPNs
12 October 2016 20:30
@4AdsthePoet Fab example of individualisation in assessment! Was Adam involved in deciding how his pain would be assessed? #WeCYPNs
12 October 2016 20:31
RT @DannGooding: @WeCYPnurses So would more education for students help? What do you think @Emzieness? @debscooper131 #WeCYPNs
12 October 2016 20:31
@WeCYPnurses They know the child best. They know what will help settle them. Including parents and carers is vital in most cases #WeCYPNs
12 October 2016 20:31
@4AdsthePoet I've used similar strategies with a child with good success. #wecypns
12 October 2016 20:31
RT @4AdsthePoet: #wecypns just a suggestion. Adam blinked using scale 1-5 for pain etc BUT 1 was lots of pain & 5 none as harder to blink w…
12 October 2016 20:31
@WeCYPnurses recently read in hospital notes Dr had written "unable to feel pain" - nurse: "communicates by facial expressions" #WeCYPNs
12 October 2016 20:31
@WeCYPnurses Even with these tools, the parents know CYP better & can more clearly interpret their pain? #WeCYPNs
12 October 2016 20:31
RT @punc16_kate: @WeCYPnurses It is very important as a parent/carers know their children better than we do #WeCYPNs
12 October 2016 20:32
RT @hepworth_becky: @4AdsthePoet I've used similar strategies with a child with good success. #wecypns
12 October 2016 20:32
@WeCYPnurses the parents/carers know the child best. ALWAYS listen to them! #wecypns
12 October 2016 20:32
@4AdsthePoet @WeCYPnurses Do we need to be more open to the child's way of communicating? #WeCYPNs
12 October 2016 20:32
@janewilkinson9 Pain is such a subjective experience! Who are we to say that somebody cannot feel it ?? thanks for sharing! #WeCYPNs
12 October 2016 20:33
@Emzieness But we're you taught about it enough in uni? #WeCYPNs
12 October 2016 20:33
RT @thenearlynurse: @WeCYPnurses Even with these tools, the parents know CYP better & can more clearly interpret their pain? #WeCYPNs
12 October 2016 20:33
RT @hepworth_becky: @WeCYPnurses the parents/carers know the child best. ALWAYS listen to them! #wecypns
12 October 2016 20:33
RT @DannGooding: @4AdsthePoet @WeCYPnurses Do we need to be more open to the child's way of communicating? #WeCYPNs
12 October 2016 20:33
@DannGooding @WeCYPnurses @Emzieness @debscooper131 & for medical students too! #WeCYPNs
12 October 2016 20:33
@DannGooding @WeCYPnurses they recognise the slightest subtle signs that HCP may not notice #wecypns
12 October 2016 20:33
RT @punc16_kate: @WeCYPnurses It is very important as a parent/carers know their children better than we do #WeCYPNs
12 October 2016 20:34
RT @hepworth_becky: @DannGooding @WeCYPnurses they recognise the slightest subtle signs that HCP may not notice #wecypns
12 October 2016 20:34
#wecypns https://twitter.com/4adsthepoet/status/786288758572408832
12 October 2016 20:34
RT @hepworth_becky: @DannGooding @WeCYPnurses they recognise the slightest subtle signs that HCP may not notice #wecypns
12 October 2016 20:34
@Emzieness @WeCYPnurses I haven’t, would you be able to link me to it? ?? #WeCYPNs
12 October 2016 20:35
@thenearlynurse @WeCYPnurses parents need to trust in staff to interpret pain too or they never get a break #WeCYPNs
12 October 2016 20:35
@hepworth_becky @DannGooding Absolutely, parents/carers know their CYP pain behaviour/expression best ?? #WeCYPNs
12 October 2016 20:35
@DannGooding no - placement with the pain team, very useful. Seek out nurse specialists for education! #wecypns
12 October 2016 20:35
RT @janewilkinson9: @DannGooding @WeCYPnurses @Emzieness @debscooper131 & for medical students too! #WeCYPNs
12 October 2016 20:35
RT @janewilkinson9: @thenearlynurse @WeCYPnurses parents need to trust in staff to interpret pain too or they never get a break #WeCYPNs
12 October 2016 20:35
RT @Emzieness: @DannGooding no - placement with the pain team, very useful. Seek out nurse specialists for education! #wecypns
12 October 2016 20:36
@Emzieness @DannGooding Absolutely! Pain nurses are a fantastic resource in regards to this subject especially in paediatric hosps #WeCYPNs
12 October 2016 20:36
@WeCYPnurses think assumption was because dr couldn't understand CYPs comm she must have no pain - scary #WeCYPNs
12 October 2016 20:37
@WeCYPnurses yes & things like pain /communication important to document- esp. in environments like respite where parents not there #wecypns
12 October 2016 20:37
Q4! So what do you think are the biggest challenges????????? #WeCYPNs https://t.co/zJNyvprnkx
12 October 2016 20:37
RT @janewilkinson9: @WeCYPnurses think assumption was because dr couldn't understand CYPs comm she must have no pain - scary #WeCYPNs
12 October 2016 20:37
@janewilkinson9 @thenearlynurse @WeCYPnurses our respite carers have 'how does your child show discomfort?' In assessment tool #WeCYPNs
12 October 2016 20:38
@janewilkinson9 great point. Staff & parents could work together to see which tool works best for CYP in beginning? #WeCYPNs
12 October 2016 20:38
@WeCYPnurses @Emzieness @DannGooding palliative care specialists are also a great resource and are very clever at managing pain #wecypns
12 October 2016 20:39
@janewilkinson9 @WeCYPnurses very sad... ?? #wecypns
12 October 2016 20:39
@WeCYPnurses They struggle to understand what you are doing so they will be agitated when you are assessing them #WeCYPNs
12 October 2016 20:40
RT @WeCYPnurses: @hepworth_becky @DannGooding Absolutely, parents/carers know their CYP pain behaviour/expression best ?? #WeCYPNs
12 October 2016 20:40
RT @Emzieness: @DannGooding no - placement with the pain team, very useful. Seek out nurse specialists for education! #wecypns
12 October 2016 20:40
@thenearlynurse @WeCYPnurses @janewilkinson9 #wecypns This should be part of the initial patient assessment
12 October 2016 20:40
RT @punc16_kate: @WeCYPnurses They struggle to understand what you are doing so they will be agitated when you are assessing them #WeCYPNs
12 October 2016 20:40
@WeCYPnurses reading and recognizing what can often be subtle signs. #wecypns
12 October 2016 20:41
RT @hepworth_becky: @WeCYPnurses reading and recognizing what can often be subtle signs. #wecypns
12 October 2016 20:41
RT @steve_grimbleby: @thenearlynurse @WeCYPnurses @janewilkinson9 #wecypns This should be part of the initial patient assessment
12 October 2016 20:42
@WeCYPnurses Perhaps being open and attentive to what we are being told. At times do we think we and we alone know what's best? #WeCYPNs
12 October 2016 20:43
@WeCYPnurses training & consistency of tool needed - gen paed ward staff often have little exp caring 4 CYP with comm challenges #WeCYPNs
12 October 2016 20:44
@steve_grimbleby @thenearlynurse @WeCYPnurses it certainly should! #WeCYPNs
12 October 2016 20:44
Fab views. I also think ignorance is an issue! If we do not recognise CYP can communicate in multitude of ways, we do not look #WeCYPNs
12 October 2016 20:45
Linking on... Q5! We're nearly done! #WeCYPNs https://t.co/jmIiBOwAa7
12 October 2016 20:45
@thenearlynurse @janewilkinson9 'not one size fits all' approach. Individualised care...? #wecypns
12 October 2016 20:46
@WeCYPnurses communication!!! #WeCYPNs
12 October 2016 20:46
RT @hepworth_becky: @thenearlynurse @janewilkinson9 'not one size fits all' approach. Individualised care...? #wecypns
12 October 2016 20:46
@hepworth_becky @thenearlynurse @janewilkinson9 ABSOLUTELY! Every CYP is unique and should be cared for as so #WeCYPNs ??????
12 October 2016 20:46
RT @thenearlynurse: @WeCYPnurses communication!!! #WeCYPNs
12 October 2016 20:46
@WeCYPnurses I have seen some brilliant examples of nurses taking great care 2 understand how CYP does communicate their pain #WeCYPNs
12 October 2016 20:47
@WeCYPnurses #wecypns improve our #communication skills and find out how the CYP we are for show their signs for pain and discomfort
12 October 2016 20:47
RT @hepworth_becky: @thenearlynurse @janewilkinson9 'not one size fits all' approach. Individualised care...? #wecypns
12 October 2016 20:47
@WeCYPnurses take time to find out.... listen to parents/carers #wecypns
12 October 2016 20:47
RT @robbradley01: @WeCYPnurses #wecypns improve our #communication skills and find out how the CYP we are for show their signs for pain and…
12 October 2016 20:47
#WeCYPNs Find different ways to talk to CYP, you can do that by communicating with parents/carers of children with cognitive impairment
12 October 2016 20:48
RT @hepworth_becky: @WeCYPnurses take time to find out.... listen to parents/carers #wecypns
12 October 2016 20:48
RT @punc16_kate: #WeCYPNs Find different ways to talk to CYP, you can do that by communicating with parents/carers of children with cogniti…
12 October 2016 20:49
RT @punc16_kate: #WeCYPNs Find different ways to talk to CYP, you can do that by communicating with parents/carers of children with cogniti…
12 October 2016 20:49
Finally!! What tips do you have, what have you picked up from this chat? #WeCYPNs https://t.co/AgIIAnXxQO
12 October 2016 20:49
@WeCYPnurses prioritising our communication and always being CYPs advocate #WeCYPNs
12 October 2016 20:50
@WeCYPnurses Spend time talking with the CYP and the parents, don't rush them! #WeCYPNs
12 October 2016 20:51
#wecypns to communicate with with CYP you are caring for and also their parents find out their individual signs tha… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/786293150482571264
12 October 2016 20:51
RT @punc16_kate: @WeCYPnurses Spend time talking with the CYP and the parents, don't rush them! #WeCYPNs
12 October 2016 20:51
RT @WeCYPnurses: Finally!! What tips do you have, what have you picked up from this chat? #WeCYPNs https://t.co/AgIIAnXxQO
12 October 2016 20:51
RT @janewilkinson9: @WeCYPnurses prioritising our communication and always being CYPs advocate #WeCYPNs
12 October 2016 20:51
RT @janewilkinson9: @WeCYPnurses prioritising our communication and always being CYPs advocate #WeCYPNs
12 October 2016 20:51
RT @punc16_kate: @WeCYPnurses Spend time talking with the CYP and the parents, don't rush them! #WeCYPNs
12 October 2016 20:51
RT @janewilkinson9: @WeCYPnurses prioritising our communication and always being CYPs advocate #WeCYPNs
12 October 2016 20:51
RT @robbradley01: #wecypns to communicate with with CYP you are caring for and also their parents find out their individual signs that they…
12 October 2016 20:52
@WeCYPnurses be creative, think outside the box and listen. Each CYP shows pain in their own way. It can be really subtle. #wecypns
12 October 2016 20:53
@janewilkinson9 Always ?? One of our main roles is to advocate... for everybody! #WeCYPNs
12 October 2016 20:53
@punc16_kate totally agree Kate, thank you ?? #WeCYPNs
12 October 2016 20:53
RT @4AdsthePoet: #wecypns just a suggestion. Adam blinked using scale 1-5 for pain etc BUT 1 was lots of pain & 5 none as harder to blink w…
12 October 2016 20:54
@robbradley01 @hepworth_becky Fantastic tips guys! ?????? #WeCYPNs
12 October 2016 20:55
RT @WeCYPnurses: @robbradley01 @hepworth_becky Fantastic tips guys! ?????? #WeCYPNs
12 October 2016 20:55
@WeCYPnurses I will def liaise with pain team if I can track one down locally who work with CYP! #WeCYPNs
12 October 2016 20:55
RT @WeCYPnurses: @punc16_kate totally agree Kate, thank you ?? #WeCYPNs
12 October 2016 20:55
RT @WeCYPnurses: @janewilkinson9 Always ?? One of our main roles is to advocate... for everybody! #WeCYPNs
12 October 2016 20:56
RT @janewilkinson9: @WeCYPnurses I will def liaise with pain team if I can track one down locally who work with CYP! #WeCYPNs
12 October 2016 20:59
Thanks to everyone who took part tonight! We hope that you have gained something useful ???? #WeCYPNs
12 October 2016 20:59
Thank you for having me #WeCYPNs and #RCNChat I’ve learned a lot as usual!
12 October 2016 20:59
If you want to know anything further about this subject don't hesitate to contact me @LugardCYP ?? I am v passionate about this! #WeCYPNs


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