#WeAHPs - Thursday 21st September 2023 8pm (GMT Standard Time) AHPs in Mental Health #AHPsinMH

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Hosted by WeAHPs using #WeAHPs

This chat is guest hosted by @carlyatkinsonRD @marthajanehall @chloedgarx

Last year HEE published a Toolkit highlighting the role and value of a number of our Allied Health Professionals working within mental health services.

The document was primarily aimed at workforce planners to help them better understand the huge potential for AHPs in improving mental health services. Earlier that year a workforce survey undertaken by HEE in the Southwest had shown that AHPs working within mental health services do not feel there is enough awareness of what we do or its value within mental health recovery.

Our September Tweetchat would like to pick up the conversation again. Is the situation improving? Are we more visible within services now? Have you found the toolkit useful? Would you encourage others to come and work in your setting? How do we continue to support our service users in accessing the full range of therapeutic interventions they need?

Join us on Thursday 21st September at 8pm for a #WeAHP Tweetchat looking at all things AHP in Mental Health (#AHPsinMH). Come and have your say on how we support this area of the workforce going forwards. 

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100 Tweets
200 Tweets
20000 Impressions
20000 Impressions
20000 Impressions

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{{Comment.DateCreated | date:"dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm"}}

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 Total contributers: 0
 Total tweets: 0
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