Social media MAY have an impact on nursing!

Monday 19th April 2021 by @WeNurses

Over the month of May WeNurses will be exploring social media and nursing.  We want start to understand the relationship that nurses and nursing has with social media and the impact that this is having so throughout May we will be holding tweetchats, sharing blogs, infographics and podcasts and running polls to really scrutinise where social media and nursing is.

We want to consider two main areas:

The impact that nurses & nursing are having on social media


The impact that social media is having on nurses & nursing

In each of these areas we want to explore  the positive impact but also explore the challenges we have faced and how we have overcome them.


Ways to get involved


Join in a tweetchat: 

May 6th –  Exploring positive impact that nurses & nursing are having on social media

May 14th – Exploring the impact that nurses & nursing are having on social media – the challenges and solutions

May 20th – Exploring the positive impact that social media is having on nurses & nursing

May 27th - Exploring the impact that social media is having on nurses & nursing – the challenges and solutions


Send us your audio recording to be added to our podcast  

We are looking for nurses to make audio recordings that explore these three questions:

1. When did you start using social media? 

2. When did you start using social media as a nurse? 

3. What changes have you seen in the way in which nurses use social media? 

To make an audio recording download a audio recording app from your app store (most phones will have a free one you can download) and simply speak into your phone.  Please leave a short pause between each of your answers.  Then email your recording to and we will do the rest. 


Write a blog post 

Write a blog post by picking one (or all!) of the following questions to explore: 

1. What impact (positive or not so positive) has social media had on you as a nurse ? 


2. What do you feel the impact (positive or not so positive) of nurses / nursing being on social media has been ?


3. What next? What are the possibilities of nursing and social media moving forward? 

Simply publish you blog post on your site and tweet @WeNurses to share the post


We are really looking forward to getting to grips with social media and nursing throughout May and hope you will join us - search #WeNurses during May to take part and share your perspective.


Please feel free to post in to this blog; you'll need to be logged in via twitter from the top right of the menu to post.
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